Responses from russbutton
Would like your tube amp recommendation Your best value and bet will be the 125 watt M-125 monobloc amps from tubes4hifi. You can buy them assembled and ready to play for about $2800 plus shipping. If you like to get your hands dirty, they'll also sell them to you as a kit for about $... | |
Please recommend preamp You want to spend $1000 or less and want a phono section. Were I you, I'd drop $920 on the SP14 kit from It's not that hard to build it yourself. This is a line stage preamp which will stand up against preamps costing much, muc... | |
Jimmy Fallon has a Mcintosh turntable johnnyb53 writes:"Both TTs are sourced from Clearaudio to McIntosh’s specs. The MT10 appears to be a pretty good value. They originally came out at $8K including that $1750 Talismann cart. They’ve gone up since. "I love the part about "pretty good... | |
Speaker recommendation for a Fisher 500-c As I write this, there's a pair of KEF Cantata's in Monterey, California. He's asking $450. This is the sound that established KEF as a hi-end manufacturer of loudspeakers. You won't be sorry. | |
Speaker recommendation for a Fisher 500-c I have just the loudspeaker for you and it's a boatload less than your $2500 budget. I've got a buddy who runs a vintage pair of KEF Calinda loudspeakers that he drives with a Marantz 8B power amp. This is one of the most pleasurable and thorou... | |
need help moving to NAS and RAID One more thing... I agree that a UPS isn't a bad idea, but they aren't all that great as surge protectors. Get yourself surge protectors made by Belkin. | |
need help moving to NAS and RAID I have yet to find an inexpensive commercial NAS which I feel has acceptable performance. I run Ubuntu Linux on my laptop instead of Windows. I popped for a new 1TB drive for it as I have only about 1/2 TB of flac music files.I run a nightly cro... | |
Why do people that are Into rap and hip-hop even want a high-end audio system I live in the city of Alameda, which is an island in San Francisco Bay, right next to Oakland. A while ago, when I pulled off the freeway in Oakland on my way home, I saw a truck in front of me for an auto stereo installer with a sign that read:"... | |
Audio - Post Divorce Being an audiophile came naturally to me as I'm also a trumpet player and an engineer (Linux systems). Been doing audio since Nixon was prez. I married a professional violinist. The bow we bought her a few years ago cost $12,000. Not the violi... | |
How many use Vintage Hi-Fi systems? One of the most musical systems I've ever heard consisted of a Thorens TD160 table, Mac C22 preamp, Marantz 8B power amp and KEF Calinda loudspeakers. Absolutely wonderful! I think the KEF's were the most important part of it. If you can find '... | |
What's the greatest bargain in audio racks these days? The very best value in an audio rack is to build it yourself. Buy some rack rails from the link below and construct whatever size rack you need. Put rollers on it and that’ll make it easy to get to the back of your gear as needed. Use a turntable ... | |
Is high end audio to snooty for its own good? Without "snooty" hi-end audio folks, who would you sell all that audio snake-oil to? Cable supports?!?! Room resonators? And let's not forget one of the all-time pieces of insanity, the Tice clock! | |
UPGRADE TIME!! Preamp vs. Speakers??? To me it's always the loudspeakers which have the very most impact on what you're hearing, but there are limits as to how much better you can get. And with loudspeakers there's always the issue with how compatible they are with your room, where ... | |
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced To me the real question is "What amplifiers give you the most audio value for your dollar?" I think there are very few audio buyers who don't care about value. You make a purchase because you need something you don't currently have. You careful... | |
W4S Music Server I vs II??? I see you're a Linkwitz fan. So am I. I've had a set of Orion loudspeakers for about 8 years now.I run an old HP laptop with Ubuntu Linux and the free open source Banshee music server. It's also available free for Windows and Mac.Russ |