

Responses from russbutton

Music server recommendations needed.
@mgrif104 Expectations create reality.   If  you expect some thing to make a certain kind of change, then thatʻs what youʻre looking for and will likely get. Computers process and transfer data.  Bits is bits.  The sound all depends on your DAC. ... 
Music server recommendations needed.
You realize of course, that all these megabuck streamers are just Linux machines with a dedicated interface.  I paid $130 for an 8 gb memory tiny PC from Amazon, with a 128 GB flash drive.  I installed Ubuntu Linux on it and hung an external drive... 
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
Good speakers are Gawd-awful expensive.  Because you are bi-amping already, I recommend that instead of taking out a 2nd mortgage to buy new speakers and having to figure out who you can dump your old ones on, get yourself a miniDSP DDRC24 active ... 
Any audiophile use computer (MacBook) as your audio streaming source?
I run Ubuntu Linux on a $125 PC I got from Amazon.  My music library is on a USB drive I hang off of it.  Of course it can stream.  Linux is free.  The Clementine music player looks a lot like iTunes, but I run JRiver for about $30. I always laug... 
Speaker Suggestions for Next Move
I have a couple of suggestions in your price range.  The first is the Linkwitz LX521 system, which you can readily afford as a DIY system.  You can buy it fully pre-built and delivered to your doorstep, with amplification, for about $21k or so, bu... 
Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955
It's always a Bad Idea to not have grounded power circuits.  Good surge protectors are a good idea, but you really need to upgrade your wiring.  Really.  That change to the wiring code w as done for a reason.  You are risking a whole lot more than... 
The Allure of Vintage Audio Gear
I get it about how "vintage" gear is questionable.  One of the most enjoyable systems I've ever heard had a Mac C22 preamp, Marantz 7 power amp driving a pair of late 70's KEF Calinda loudspeakers.  Voices and stringed instruments sounded magical.... 
$8k for speakers - new or used
New speakers for a new start?
Get into a Linkwitz LX521 multi-amplified system.  $100k sound for a price we mere mortals can afford.  Really.  You can build the kit from scratch, for as little as $6k,  or you can just buy a turn-key system for about $21k, which is actually a b... 
Are all streamers the same?
If you mean dramatically overpriced, then yes. I run a micro PC I got from Amazon for $130 and run Ubuntu Linux (free) on it.  The free clementine music manager looks a lot like iTunes, but I mostly run JRiver ($30).  I can stream music from the ... 
You're not a true audiophile unless...
If youʻre a true audiophile, then you just HAVE to make sure that everyone knows that yours is bigger than theirs.  
Why I don't hear bass drums on Jazz LPs?
Pop and rock music is made from electronic instruments.  All your drum sounds are created by the recording and mastering engineers and have NOTHING to do with how they sound in real life.  Your listening experience has always been artificial. Jaz... 
Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
The Don Sachs preamp is just the VTA SP14 in a prettier enclosure.  The SP14, preassembled and tested, with remote control, is $1900 new.  $1450 as a kit.  
Auditioning Used Equipment - Am I crazy ?
@greenngoldcheesehead Hasn’t anyone ever lied to you before? The dealer didn’t want to audition the amp for you had other reasons than just being snotty. He may have a new amp to sell you with a higher profit margin. Or he may be holding it for an... 
Solid State Power Amps
I will echo the suggestion for Bryston amps.  They come with a 20 year transferable warranty.  They are built to last.  Of course they perform well.  But at this price point,  you want something you can depend upon. A close friend used to be the ...