
Responses from runwell

Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
@audioquest4life        Congratulation! I can feel your happiness!  What is  your preamplifier?  The pre in your system must be well matched.       I do not hear your combo. But due to my long listening history ,I can feel the sound you heard a ... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
@walkertm,        Well,it is somewhat complicated. If you want to know the detail,I can explain. There is live sound performance and amplifier re-produced sound. so what is the standard of good amplifier?  Original,if the amplifier can make the... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
simply put, their sound is far from the live sound,and that is reason.    
Is the Audio Ref-6SE worth 7K more than the BAT VK-80?
Choose what you think is good, choose what you think is right. It is that simple.   But from your month,  I hear the message that BAT is so good comparison with audio research, that is ok for you,but when you try to convince other people like me,... 
Is the Audio Ref-6SE worth 7K more than the BAT VK-80?
"rip off", oh,that is the key word,and I can understand your feeling that audio research is selling way expensive,right ? It is their business strategy which we can not change. But if REF 6 SE is ok with the sound but expensive,why don't you try  ... 
Pass Labs XA25 without preamp (from a variable output source) vs INT25
avanti1960, I can't agree more! The sound without pre will go quite flat in most situation.      
Is the Audio Ref-6SE worth 7K more than the BAT VK-80?
Different brand has different house sound,it's different style,and usually it is talking about whether it is your tea of not.  If it is not your tea,you won't pay even it is very cheap,right? You can ask,does VK-90 worth $5000 more of VK-80 ? as ... 
Tube Vs. SS Preamps
Fatigue free, in my opinion , is talking of your ears, not the body. Your body definitely will fatigue after several hours listening, however, your ear  is still enjoying  and want to have more time.that is fatigue free.  
Tube Vs. SS Preamps
In fact, you ask others to describe the sound which you never heard, I will say it is very difficult. Usually on the forums,they all have some kinds of listening,and above of that,they exchange the comments. I know your question,which is : After ... 
What 50wpc or higher amps have a totally different sound from Pass Labs, in a good way?
Interesting topic.  In our hifi world,there are 2 fields,and let me confused in the past,but now I realised they are  the 2 fields. One is the SS Amplifier and one is tube amplifier.  The sound is just can't not compare.  Some one might object th... 
Laptop to Parasound P6 Digital Input
What I learned these years for the source is that you never use usb port involved in your music system,it heavily hurt the sound, so leave the laptop away,you got choose different setup.  
"warm" solid state integrated amplifier
If you are listening Symphony, warm sound does not sense. I think what you really need is laid back music instead of forward music. You better go with class A amplifier,which in fact in some way of tube amp replacement. Go listening Jeff rawland... 
"warm" solid state integrated amplifier
What kind of music you listen most?   
Tube Line Stage around $5k
Audio research ls28, no brainer choice.  
Best SS Amp - Pass Labs X350.8 vs. Luxman M900u vs. Ayre VX-R Twenty
Keithr,          I am a female vocal lover, and you mentioned Rowland amp.,which model you mean? Could you tell us?