
Responses from rudge

Comments pls.: TEAC vs Marantz CD/SACD players
I would appreciate any comments on the marantz sa11s3 too. I have the 11sa1 and really like it, but have been thinking for awhile of upgrading to the 3. Any Marantz comments would be appreciated. 
Cary Audio Electronics Constellation
As anyone heard this piece? I'm interested in it too. Any comments appreciated 
Amplifier for Sonus Faber Cremona M
They won't run you anywhere near the amount you are budgeting, but the Pathos integrated monoblocked works very well with the Cremora M's. I've been using that combo for a couple of years. Maybe because both lines are produced in Italy they blend ... 
Marantz sa-11s3
Sam, I generally use filter one. for redbook. I use filter two for sacd. but sometimes I leave it at one. I seem to prefer one a little more. But its really a matter of taste or what your ear is hearing at a particular time. There was a time when ... 
Marantz sa-11s3
Mc, I have really enjoyed the sa11-1. I have used it with Pathos integrated mono-blocked and Cremora M speakers. Ive gotten to the point in my old age whee I really enjoy things a little smooth and the Marantz is certainly that. But it is still de... 
Marantz sa-11s3
I have a Marantz sa11s1 and am considering the new s3. But its hard to find any reviews or opinions on it mainly because its so new. Any comments would be helpful. thanks 
How many still listen to CD's daily.
I listen to CD's every day, usually for several hours. I also play some record albums every week. 
Amp for Sonus Faber Cremoma M
I've posted this several times, but here goes again. When I first got into Sonus Faber speakers, my dealer recommended Pathos. He carried other brand he could have recommended, but he felt Pathos and Sonus Faber interfaced well. Well, I mono-block... 
Sonus Faber Cremona M vs Verity Audio Parsifal
I have used mono-blocked Pathos Classic 1's for two years now with my Cremora M's and have been very pleased with the results. I had used the Classics with the concertos previously, but the Cremora M's are a big improvement. The mon-blocked Pathi ... 
SS or Tube for Sonus Faber Concertino?
I have used pathos integrateds with the sonus faber Concertos and now the Cremora M's. They work very well together. You might want to give them a listen if you can. Both products are made in Italy. 
Suggestions for a tube integrated under $3000
Have had two Pathos integrateds for a few years now. I'm mono-blocking them with Sonus Faber Cremora M speakers and have been very happy with them. You wouldn't need two. I just prefer monoblocks. A very good integrated for the money, especially u... 
Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?
i have the Sonus Faber Cemora M's coupled with Pathos integrateds and they are great. They give you a great sense for the feel and flow of whatever you're listening to. They do alot of things well and work well with Pathos, but I'm sure they would... 
Preference - Sonus Faber, Dynaudio or Focal
I have had the Cremora M's for almost a year now. I use them with monoblocked Pathos integrateds and like them alot. I like their overall tonal balance and touch of warmth. It's too bad you can't compare them at a dealer. My Sonus dealer does stoc... 
You might want to look at Pathos integrateds. They work quite well with Cremora speakers. I have them monoblocked with my Cremora M's. I believe Pathos products are made in Italy just like Cremora. To my ears they go together very well. Good luck 
Sony DVP-NS999ES in Silver
I, too have a silver 999 that I bought direct from Dan Wright with his tube mod. I've had the player for several years, have upgraded the tubes, and enjoy it in my second sysem.