
Responses from rudd

marsh a200s
I Agree wit Warerwh the amps are decent by the after sales service and the uncertainty of the company should be enough to have you consider other options. Personally, I have witnessed the after sales service and it is one of the in the industry. 
Spectral DMA 360 hum
Sounds like a groud loop problem. Trying removing your cable TV connection from your receiver or pre. once the cable has been removed if the hum stops then that would suggest a ground loop problem. A jensen transformer ($50 bucks on Ebay did it fo... 
Any opinions on the Z squared ultra power cable
I purchased the Ultra here on Agony and although I am somewhat satisfied with the cable, I don’t think it’s worth the hefty price tag. The MSRP for the $1599.00 yet the company offered me a new one for 93 dollars?...(go figure) The cable was aucti... 
Buzz/Hum from Cary SLI-80
cheater plugs can be a fire hazard.goolge jensen transformer "ground loop isolator" ...worked for me 
Any opinions on the Z squared ultra power cable
Thanks for the info Null1....Kaizer_soze there a point to your question? help us out here 
Buzzing sound from VR4Sr
60 cycle humm coming from your cable TV. As a test try disconnecting you cable TV and see if that does the trick. If your cable is the culprit. Try a jenson transformer group loop isolator -worked for me. I believe that you new amp has a 3rd prong... 
Z squared AUAU gold alloy ICs, no image at all
Thanks Boa2! I recently purchased a couple a sets of these interconnects ( in large part due to some of your previous posts) and couldn't be more pleased with the results. To my ears, they were real improvement over my SC ana2's interconnects. The... 
Z squared AUAU gold alloy ICs, no image at all
Boa2, do you know what the deal is with the Zsquared cables...are there diffent flavours of these interconnects? The Z squared interconnects posted on the "official" Z squared website ( appear to be a completely different cable th... 
Z squared AUAU gold alloy ICs, no image at all
TVAD/Alanbrain , excuse my ignorance but what do you by the arrows pointing in the right direction? I too have the Z squared Neutriks and was wondering what you meant. BTW... I am also very impressed with these interconnects. I noticed the sound i... 
Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
"Eichmann bullets" sounds more like a Pornstar than a connector. Need to re-think that one.... 
A buzz in my speakers-Ideas???
Check the A/c plug on the back of our amp...if there's a 3rd prong on the unit, that is more than likely the cause of your problem. The extra conector will generate a 60 hz cyle humm which may be coming through you cable TV. Try disconnecting your... 
Solution to a ground loop problem
Good luck with the cable company....been there, done that and no satisfaction whatsoever. Stay away form the "quick fix" like the cheater plugs and be sure to consider a product that will not weaken of your cable signal. 
Power cable hierarchy for components
Point I forgot to mention - assuming there's a fixed budget and you could only add 1 "high-end" PC at a time....where would you add the PC and in what component order. On the digital side, I have put my Transport and DAC to the test and the DAC ha... 
Solution to a ground loop problem
answer: Jensen Transformer part #VRD-1FF. Got one new of ebay for 50 dollars..worked like a champ. I hvae cut/pasted form a previous post...Check the A/c plug on the back of our amp...if there's a 3rd prong on the unit, that is more than likely th... 
Is Soliloquy out of business????
Hello Ccrookham52, the president of the company is still David Berman. I believe Boss302 listed his email above.