
Responses from roxy1927

Classical Recordings from the Golden Age
Yes Tahra is gone but sometimes their recordings can still be found on Amazon.Music and Arts another excellent historical label I think is still in business. They have a great Furtwangler Brahms cycle.BMG has a Toscanini Philadelphia set which man... 
Classical Recordings from the Golden Age
The major labels have some very good transfers on their earlier recordings.The Decca Mono box is extraordinary and a must have for any classical enthusiast no matter their stripe. DG and EMI have a number of Furtwangler recordings. I find on quite... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
I'm afraid a musical performance in Milan would not be worthy of what you would find in a recording from decades ago. The live ambience is nice but the artistry is lost to the ages and not coming back.Now baroque opera in Paris might be another th... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
You have some serious upgrading to do on analog rig as many people are saying. It's expensive and takes time if you don't have the funds. Upgrade that tone arm and cartridge. Or as soon as you can afford a 3D tonearm and koetsu or Lyra.And I liste... 
Best places to find vinyl
Prices on ebay have really gone up for original pressings.Very disheartening.How is the 180 gram reissue of Village Green? Anybody heard it? 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
Often you can get a sense of cartridges by reading not only the reviews but what many people have to say. As you are on this forum you know you have to read a lot. Are people agreeing on characteristics? Warm? Analytical? What do you like? Can you... 
What albums, in your opinion, sound unquestionably better on Vinyl rather than Digital?
Before digital it was all gaslight.       Herbie the K. 
350.8 to 30.8
I did speak with somebody at Pass and he was speaking about the merits of the xa25 but when I told him I listen to a lot of symphonic classical and was looking for a deep wide soundstage he automatically recommended the 30.8. 
are "LONDON" pressings made in the UK, inferior to the Decca pressings
terrific.Don't know what happened there. 
are "LONDON" pressings made in the UK, inferior to the Decca pressings
Granted I don't have the playback systems and experience some of you have but I'll risk being shredded and say that some of the Jubilee budget repressings sound f 
Furman solves ground loop issue?
Thank you. I hope I can find something that will work. It's been a while now and I'm getting worried. I've enjoyed analog too much to be without it besides the money spent. 
Furman solves ground loop issue?
It started when I upgraded equipment. Went from a ss pre and amp. Now my pre is tube/ss and amp is ss. The digital sound is so much better with this new equipment but the hum(once I even got a radio station) is too loud for me to enjoy analog and ... 
Arc Ref 75se vs D'Agostino Momentum Stereo
I have never heard a D'Ag but after being initially wowed by the bling factor you realize it looks like something your Italian grandmother would have had in her living room even if she weren't an audiophile.And it's safe to say she probably wasn't. 
Rowland versus ARC
VTL S200 amp and Dali Epicon 8s. So confused as to whether I want a tube or SS pre. Do I want more slam and are two tube amps too much of a good thing? 
Rowland versus ARC
VPI Superscoutmaster and An ayon transport and DAC.Unfortunately my room is small but I have the speakers 9 ft apart. Somebody told me it should be more like 6.