Responses from routeman21
Looking to upgrade floorstander speakers. jdal,How far off the back wall do you have Tribeca's positioned? | |
Looking to upgrade floorstander speakers. jjss49,I read here on Audiogon that a D30RS and D48 would be a good choices with the D30RS being a better choice for my size room. | |
Speaker type for my Conrad-Johnson ET5/LP70S tube combo bdp24,Do you have much listening experience with ESL's? Do they produce the same or similar mids like the Maggies that I spoke of in my initial post? I never heard them in my large audio room. Only heard them at a friend's house with crappy amp; n... | |
Speaker type for my Conrad-Johnson ET5/LP70S tube combo bdp24,For the time being, I'm not expecting to bi-amp or consider upgrading to a more powerful amp because I want to focus my spending into a pair of speakers only and hopefully make the right choice. I visited the Eminent Tech site and they state... | |
Conrad-Johnson MF-2550SE owners - What speakers are you using with it? shrapnel,How much do you like that combo? I owned a pair of Magnepan IIIa's for twenty years. Sold them because they were long in tooth & eventually decided on dynamic speakers for a change. I have been reading a lot about the 1.7i's. Do they ... | |
Owners of a Conrad-Johnson MF-2550se Power Amp - Please post your thoughts Thanks tamule1. I have a Vinnie Rossi Lio with 2 tubes in it but the tubes don't soften up voices & guitars. What is it about the Primaluna Prologue that you prefer over the CJ 2550se? Do you just prefer tubes generally over SS? I'm skeptical ... | |
Owners of a Conrad-Johnson MF-2550se Power Amp - Please post your thoughts tamule1,Was your CJ the original 2550 or 2550se? How many years did you own it before it died? What went bad? Thanks! | |
Conrad-Johnson MF-2550SE owners - What speakers are you using with it? kuppe38,Were you listening to the Legacy Signatures with or without a sub or subs?alpha_gt,Do you use a sub or subs with your Legacy Focus'?My room is 13' 3" X 18' 7" X 7' 8". I am contemplating the Focus or the Signatures. Some have said that the... | |
Owners of a Conrad-Johnson MF-2550se Power Amp - Please post your thoughts Anyone else? | |
Conrad-Johnson MF-2550SE owners - What speakers are you using with it? Anyone? | |
Legacy Audio Classic HD Speakers with or without Sub Yeah, so many suggestions and good ones I might add. mtrot, your suggestion makes a lot of sense and ultimately may be the one I go with but douglas_schroeder suggestion makes a lot of sense too. Although I'm not sure about the Focus SE space wise... | |
Legacy Audio Classic HD Speakers with or without Sub audiotroy,I never heard of the Focus Signature or saw it on Legacy Audio's site. I know there is the Signature SE & Focus SE. Where can I read about and see pictures of the Focus Signature? Thanks. | |
Legacy Audio Classic HD Speakers with or without Sub Thank you all for suggestions. Initially I was considering the Focus SE's but I believe my room might be too small for the size of them. My room is: 18' 7" X 13' 3" X 7' 5" plus furniture & tables. Also, some ceiling damping. I am able to pull... | |
Legacy Audio Classic HD Speakers with or without Sub Anyone? | |
Kubala-Sosna Elation Speaker Cables Alan,What inexpensive brand(s) of cables did you replace the expensive ones with? Just curious, I'm not saying they will or won't have synergy in my system.Thank You! |