

Responses from route9

What's wrong with classical music on vinyl?
nice post rushton,,overdue.you might include the post by thommas also..gotta love these sensitive people.somebody has a legitimate problem and whoa!! how dare you ask that question? you must be an uninformed idiot. 
Speaker choices, $1000-2000 Smooth & Musical
can't believe none of the responses so far has failed to mention the magnepan 1.6 speaker.hands down the best speaker in that price range. it deserves an audition at the least. 
Audiogon Music reviews-Classical and SACD/DVDA
very good idea...i realize that this takes a considerable amount of time and effort,but maybe a redbook comparison to the sacd,where appropriate would bring more goner's into the fold and increase interest.just an opinion..thanks for your effort.j... 
Won't preamps become obsolete?
jyprez...for about 350.00,you can send the 10a back to cj. and get the 10b upgrade.i did it last year and there is a significant resolution difference.the power supply is heftier also. 
Magnapan 3.5R and Sunfire Subwoofer ???
never heard of any sub too fast for magnapans...it's usually the other way around.most of the talk here is that the rel subs match up well with maggies. 
Help this budding Classical audiophile
pick up copies of mendelssohns,beethoven's and brahm's violin concertos.performers such as heifetz,perlman,vengerov and newcomer hilary hahn have excellent recordings.there are many others,but start with these as they are among the best. 
Top Ten Speakers of All Time?
in just about every price level,magnapan speakers give the biggest bang for the buck. 
Which components knocked you out on first listen?
when i first heard magnapan speakers back in the early 70's.the clearest most open sound i have ever heard.it took over 25 yrs.,but i finally got a pair of 1.6's. 
Echo Busters or Room Tunes?????????
red2's response is right on the money,audio asylum has several forums that deal with your problem.go to the rives room acoustics and also the planar speaker site.planars and electrostatics are different from other speakers in that they are dipolar... 
Looking for a guide to best classical recordings
the latest penquin guide 2004 has just been released,it includes most all of the new releases thru early 2003.as mentioned in earlier posts,the reviews don't always tell you much about the quality of the recordings,so if this is important to you ,... 
Good but Cheap Treatments for Flutter Echo
i have 1.6 maggies and they are dipolar;i recently bought 2 fake ficus trees and put them behind each speaker.they diffused the sound and killed the slap echo.the sound wasn't deadened and the soundstage remained. use of absorption material can ha... 
What is your favorite low-tech tweek?
mine is the same as a post made previously.i bought 2 semi soft hockey pucks,cut them in half and put each piece under the 4 corners of my amp.it seems to have made a difference.the total cost...3$. 
The Best Inexpensive Wines Available Now
highly rated 2002 debouef beaujolais village.about 7$ a bottle.if you don't mind spending 12$ they're fleurie beaujolais is the best out of france that year.both are generally available and outstanding values. 
Gordon Lightfoot Tribute
i didn't realize he was sick either.his music transcended politics,religion and social class.he was a true advocate for the common man and their true feelings.there was hardly any song that you couldn't identify with,especially the emotional aspec... 
Best Values and worst values in SS and tube amps ?
sonicbeauty,you don't have to explain to the neanderthals,they probably voted for BUSH.you know,everybody thinks along the same lines.don't have a independent thought...you're upsetting the powers that be.i don't mean to be redundant,but thanks ag...