
Responses from rost

Break in time necessary and if so how long for Dynaudio Heritage Special ?
Thanks for the tip hilde45, had heard or read about that sometime ago but never applied to new speakers.  
Break in time necessary and if so how long for Dynaudio Heritage Special ?
300 hrs sounds about right. Initial Perception of glare has been significantly reduced after only a few hours. Have the original C4s that when new seemed to take forever to open up. Hence was expecting a closed in sound before break-in but appears... 
Speaker Questions
  +1ghdprentice "I always buy my partner an expensive gift before I buy a new piece of audio equipment. I never get criticism that way." No such thing as WAF, only cheapskate audiophiles.  
E.S.P. (Essential Sound Products) power cables
Initially was inclined towards Shunyata having had previously way back the Taipans  but too many iterations & models were confusing and then was directed towards E.S.P. by Ken Stevens @ C.A.T. after sending him my JL5 for upgrades to Limited E... 
Klipsch Forte ii too bright, or is it my room ?
Not familiar with the Fortes but back in the eighties had a pair of La Scalas. Happy when I bought them, happier still when I sold them. Sorry, just not my cup of tea and this was when matched with the original Mac 275 and/or Marantz 2´s ( these I... 
The best tube poweramp. . What do you think about ?
+1 CAT JL5 
Power cord choice?
ESP MusicCord-PRO ES Power Cord@ $ 500 1.5 M. 
What’s the benefit of placing speakers like this? (diagonally at the corner)
Echoing Redwood set up a pair of Celestion 600s that way in living room 30 years ago looking to save space and accidentally discovered the added benefits of clearer and cleaner sound on the whole. Speakers in rectangular rooms sounded muddy even w... 
Are MULLARD NOS EL34s and LTA ZOTL40 REF worth the price of admission?
disregard the # 6 typo 
Are MULLARD NOS EL34s and LTA ZOTL40 REF worth the price of admission?
@ ghasley &  jjss49 +1@ OP Have accumulated > 80 NOS EL34s over time, ever since my first tube amps ( back in the day, Marantz 2s), Mullards, Philips & Telefunkens. For beauty of tone I go with the Mullards especially the earlier 6 mu... 
Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices?
Marantz 2Shindo MontilleMcIntosh MC2301 
Which good discrete R2R multibit DAC & why NOS ?
Please enlighten:@georgehifi "But I can’t find what the Reimyo uses for dac chips, my guess would be the R2R PCM1704K’s, I don’t think it’s discrete R2R"What is the difference between a discrete R2R & non discete R2R DAC ?@djones51" it wasn’t ... 
Which good discrete R2R multibit DAC & why NOS ?
Thanks George for that informative list.Thank you also Lalitk Your views echo my concerns as to how much of an improvement, if any, an external DAC plus the added cable expense would make.As of yet, no immediate plans to get into streaming, too ma... 
Which good discrete R2R multibit DAC & why NOS ?
Thanks jond for the clarification on NOS. Should have deducted as much considering context. 
NOS tube alternatives for Herron VTSP 3A r02
     After 6 months of listening with the stock EH tubes, switched in 2 Siemens  Cca and 4 Philips E188cc ( didn´t have 6 of a kind) and the results were purely positive.     Totally gone was any hint of electronic haze or the glare & brightne...