

Responses from rongold

Tube amp forethought
You don’t say if you have a ssd system now. I got into tubes via an Audible Illusions pre-amp. There are used ones available at modest cost. Tube pre-amps make a huge difference in sound. 
The best looking speakers
p.p.s. Granted, they do have a low WAF! 
The best looking speakers
p.s., I’m surprised no one mentioned the early JBL line. Maybe a lack of experience, they are ‘60 plus years old!  
The best looking speakers
IMHO the best looking(& most impressive) are the JBL Paragons, Metregons, and Hartsfields. Not the best sounding (although not BAD). The generate the most Oohs & Ahhs. They are conversation starters, for sure. There are a lot of ‘pretty’ s... 
My main amp is tubed Conrad-johnson Premier 11a, but I have an Adcom 555II I used before C-J. I use it as a backup, I have had it 20 years & NO TROUBLE. Nelson Pass does good work! I love my C-J, but the 555II Is an excellent alternative. IMHO... 
What was your first big eye opener with regard to audio?
Fool your ears! Back in the ‘50’s (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) I went to a “hi-fi” show in San Antonio, Texas. There was a good deal of equipment shown. But two things really caught my ear: one room was demoing Audio Fidelity Records, then qu... 
What was your first big eye opener with regard to audio?
1. Tube Pre-Amp2. Martin-Logan speakers3. How easy it is to fool your ears. Listen to lots of stuff, carefully! 
What do you read regularly to learn about audio products or research?
Audiophile Magazine. Excellent reviews! 
What’s really hurting the audio hobby?
My father said, often, there are more horses as..’s than horses. We have all met one, somewhere. At age 83, I’ve been involved in the “hi-fi” hobby since the early 50’s. Trust me, things are MUCH better. True, there are fewer dealers who seem to g... 
Best tube preamp ever
For preamp, you should choose between SS & Tubes. I have used a tube Audible Illusions for 15 years . I just upgraded to a current model Line stage AI L3B and could not be happier. Check out my posts under “Rongold” 
New System for Pool Table Room
Our ‘poolboys’ have refurbished a pair of E-V Aristocrats w/ EV T-35 tweeters, mid range horns and EV SP12Bs. Placed in the corners, and driven by a vintage Pioneer SX-xxx receiver.......sweet! 
Laptop through Audioquest Dragonfly Red...what input to preamp.
Tape input not right (bypasses the volume control). I next tried the Ex Phono input, Jackpot‼️ Excellent sound, good volume control. I am VERY happy with this setup. I’m fixed for life (if no system failure).  Preamp? Audible Illusion 3B all the way! 
Audible Illusions modulus 3A, what would be the next level of up grade?
I just received a AI L3B line Stage PreAmp, after an unreasonable 12 week buildout. It is georgeous, inside & out. In my rig (a recapped Conrad-Johnson Premier 11a, Martin-Logan Aerius’ speakers) except for the waittime, I am very happy.  
3 great tube preamps. Which would you purchase?
I would agree with firstnot.  Recently bought an Audible Illusions L3B. Looks great and sounds terrific (check out my posts under Rongold 
Best pre-amp with a C-J Premier 11a Amp
At long last I decided jump and thought my experiene would be helpful to others. For some 15 years my system was very simple & consisted of a series of mediocre CD players, an Adcom GFA 555II, played into a pristine vintage JBL Metregon, I was...