Responses from romad
EAR 834P Deluxe with Dynavector 20 HX H output Cart. Hi frogman, Mitch also did the upgrades to mine as well. He is a super nice guy and is very knowledgeable with all kinds of different audio equipment. BTW what cart, do u like the most? | |
EAR 834P Deluxe with Dynavector 20 HX H output Cart. Hi, thanks for all the responses I talked with Mitch Singerman who is authorized service repair for EAR and said I might be better off to continue using HO Cart. in MM mode to bypass using the coils and have less circuits to go through and more di... | |
EAR 834P Deluxe with Dynavector 20 HX H output Cart. I wanted to try the Dyna.20x 2 Low MC Cart would I get better results in MC input on EAR or should I get the same Dyna. in High and continue using MM setting on EAR? Thanks for the help. | |
Joseph Audio Vs. Von Schweikert Vs.? Bill, do you still have the Joseph's? | |
Meridian 500 Transport What transport does it use? Thanks Sugarbie for your input. | |
Wich high end CD palyer? I will get a chance to listen to an Accuphase DP-57 in a few weeks when my dealer gets one in, but from what I read in the Absolute Sound it seems like it doesen't do anything wrong. They are about 4900.00 new. You could save alot because technolo... | |
Advice on stand alone DAC Talk to Vlad at Audio Mirror, The D2 is pretty amazing and well within your budget. | |
Recommendations, should I upgrade DAC or CD Thanks for the responses, I think I will try to find a better DAC some of the choices you mentioned may work fine any other advice is greatly appreciated. Which Audio Note should I look for? I also noticed in your other thread you like the Museatex. | |
Hum when cablevision is plugged in to tv Ncarv I tried your suggestion and it worked! Thanks again for everyones help. | |
Hum when cablevision is plugged in to tv I called the cable company they are going to come out on the 3rd, hopefully they can ground it better or I will try some of your suggestions. Thanks very much Agon members for your help. | |
Gallo reference /TAS vs Me Jeffreyds,I really liked them (mine are on order) I thought that the 30/30 did a pretty good job although my friend thought they could use a little more power. The dealer was playing them rather loud though. I would be happy with that set up. I th... | |
Gallo reference /TAS vs Me I heard these today at my dealer and could not beleive my ears. Simply Musical the speakers dissapeared. Equipment used is VAC 30/30, Lamm L2 I beleive it retailed fo 4750.00, BAT phono stage, and turntable was 7,000.00 forgot which one. Mine are ... | |
The best CD Player for the money I am using an Arcam FMJ-23T and I think you would have to spend over 4,000 to beat it. Sometimes used they are around 1100.00. I love it, has awesome reviews in stereophile and TAS. | |
Who is your overall favorite guitarist? Pete Townshend is Awesome for Rock. I have had the pleasure of seeing "The Who" twice. |