
Discussions rockadanny has started

6SN7GTB Tung-Sol Tubes69926
Increase efficiency with high-pass filters?16162
Advantage of buying equipment in Taiwan?19894
Odyssey Mono Extremes vs. AVA Fet Valve34191
Valid Efficiency Test?23133
Amp for EgglestonWorks Speakers?981414
Determining reflection points42189
Do tubes "burn in"?518716
BACH Cello Suites - CD only447611
Unable to audition used speakers a problem683932
Choosing proper gain for preamp. Am I screwed?587610
Preamp: AVA T8, Quicksilver, Mapletree 2A SE?78345
Consonance Mods Anyone?43461
In search of more power ... MF? V Alstine?54457
2 stereo amps in a mono-block config = 2 x power?589914