
Responses from robotman

Need help with Kinergetics Subs - Newbie
The Spica/Kinergetics were definitely made to run as "one speaker". The set-up you described would be the best for the speakers and I did have them set-up this way in my pre-HT days.Unfortunately the Kinergetics amp does not have a speaker level o... 
Need help with Kinergetics Subs - Newbie
I have the same custom sand-filled stand with the SW-200 sitting below the TC-50's. They definitely blend like magic.I'm very curious if a different amp would clean up the problem. The speakers handle some bassy stuff perfectly. Otherstuff they ju... 
Need help with Kinergetics Subs - Newbie
Hey... just had an idea. Would it work to use my spare HK AVR 300 as an external amp to test the Kinergetics with a different amp? Of course the HK is only rated at 50W (?) so it's not that powerful, but could I set it up to drive the subs as main... 
Need help with Kinergetics Subs - Newbie
Well, I bought the TC-50's and Kinergetics based on my audiophile friend's suggestion. I didn't even audition the Kinergetics because they came so highly rated by Stereophile Magazine (I think).I'm an audiophile in the sense of I like a nice sound... 
Need help with Kinergetics Subs - Newbie
Rich - Thanks for all the very useful information! The only thing that doesn't jive is that when I switch the L/R wiring, the R cabinet still clips first even being hooked up to the L outputs.Again... I'm a total newbie with audio equipment. Is an... 
Need help with Kinergetics Subs - Newbie
Just to clarify... it's like the sound when nuclear explosions are showed in very slow motion and everything is getting blown away in slow motion (if that helps). Nuclear crackle... 
Need help with Kinergetics Subs - Newbie
I have switched the amp out wiring and the problem follows the cabinet. I actually had an offer for a good deal on a replacement amp, but unfortunately it seems to be more in the cabinet.I don't know how to further troubleshoot the cabinet.It's ve... 
What are the Ohm ratings? newbie
Thanks for all the detailed information!I do have an external Kinergetics sub/amp on the system which xover at 100 Hz, relieving some of the power requirements of the Spicas. From what I understand, the lower resistance (ohm ratings) (and more dem... 
Need Speaker Set Recommendations for Newbie
The Autoformer is interesting! I had no idea you could actually change the speaker impedience with a component. A bit steep in price, though... $950 / pair! For that price, I could buy a new NAD which is made for the 4 Ohm speakers.I don't think J... 
Need Speaker Set Recommendations for Newbie
(I can't edit my posts after they are posted...)I started a new thread about what the Ohm ratings mean in tech talk so if you want to help me understand that, please use that thread (I'm notoriously bad at getting multiple threads started on the s... 
What causes clipping?
I need to find an audiophile friend in my area who would be willing to bring over their amp for me to try out.The Kinergetics has separate L/R channels. I can hook up the right sub to either channel and the problem still occurs. This makes me susp... 
Need Speaker Set Recommendations for Newbie
The HK does have pre-amp (I'm using the sub pre-amp to go to the Kinergetics amp). Unfortunately, I really don't know any audiophiles in my area who might bring their amp over for me to try out.I'm definitely more interested in the features and ve... 
Need Speaker Set Recommendations for Newbie
I called a local distributor for the NAD and he said the 762 is discontinued. He also said that I wouldn't see any performance difference with the Spicas and ANY integrated amp because the Spica's need too much power. He said I need to go with sep... 
What causes clipping?
The subs have an external amp. I highly doubt that the two speakers / drivers would be crosswired inside the sealed speaker box. I also can visually see that both speakers in the box are moving in and out in unison.Would reversing the black / red ... 
What causes clipping?
It is a sealed box. I don't see what I could tighten on the box. What are the drivers? An air leak would make some sense, although everything seems really tight on the speaker box. What type of battery would you use to check polarity? I assume you...