
Responses from roberjerman

Streaming + DAC questions. Please help this noob!
Ditch Spotify. Get Qobuz or Tidal! Superior sound quality! Buy the Bluesound Node2i streamer ($550 + free shipping from Crutchfield). It has an excellent DAC and is much better than using your computer for music via the 'Net! 
Good 2 channel receiver
A Carver receiver from the mid-80's is still a formidable contender! I have two! With separate preamp/amp jacks it is versatile! Plus one of the best tuners, too! I used one to drive the KLH Nine electrostats with excellent results! 
Cat jumped on turntable
Check your tracking force!  
30 Amplifiers Totaling $428,740.00 In Search of Audio Nirvana
Without a reference system (see The Audio Critic) all of this is for naught! All conclusions reached are at best just random! 
Will my Krell drive a 2 ohm load?
Too stressful for that amp! Get a pair of active subs instead of the DWM panels. Cone woofers in a well-designed enclosure have superior bass over any planar! 
SET vs Class A vs tubes vs Class AB amps
All well-designed amplifiers (low output impedance, adequate slew rate and current delivery, low harmonic and IM distortion) operated below clipping will sound alike - Peter Walker of Quad fame. 
Are the really pricey HT Pre Amps worth it?
Save your money! 
3D imaging
@tomic601 : Transient Intermodulation Distortion - applies only to amplifier distortion! 
Ortofon 2m Bronze on a Pioneer PLX-1000
Get an electronic scale and check the tracking force. It can be set at the recommended high point for your cartridge.  
Ortofon 2m Bronze on a Pioneer PLX-1000
I have a Denon 103R on my PLX1000. After playing a side I give the stylus a swab with the brush of the Hiraoka stylus cleaner fluid. Followed by a dab of Stylast before resuming play. Stylast is claimed to extend diamond life by reducing friction. 
How Good Can My Vinyl Get?
The Pioneer came with a really nice IC that alone looked like it could sell for $100! Well done, Pioneer! 
How Good Can My Vinyl Get?
When I wanted to add a NEW TT and cartridge to my vintage collection of TTs I bought a Pioneer PLX1000 after reading HR's review in Stereophile. And a new Denon 103R + a Denon SUT (used). Total cost $1200 ($700+$300+$200). Preamp in present use is... 
Sony Integrated Amp TA AV 670
Suggestions for higher efficiency speakers
JBL A170. $500/pr. Read HR's review in the November Stereophile! 
Brave man, McGowan...
Just another carnival sideshow barker!