
Responses from roberjerman

Strange tone Marshall DSL40C
"I've got a fuzz box and I'm gonna use It!" 
Strange tone Marshall DSL40C
This distortion you are hearing could be oscillation caused by circuit negative feedback interacting with a limited bandwidth output transformer (OPT). Tube amps are very sensitive to the amount of negative feedback applied. Less is better! And a ... 
Strange tone Marshall DSL40C
Is this a combo guitar amp? Having the tubes and circuitry in close proximity to the drivers (speakers) is BAD! Subjecting tubes to high levels of sound waves and vibrations is BAD! Internally tubes are rather delicate devices. Prone to acting as ... 
Organic Power Cord with Micro-Detail
So Mr.Bews of LFD makes a "mind blowing" PC cable! Is this like LSD? 
Organic Power Cord with Micro-Detail
+1 willemj! If the OP wants an "organic" sound let him buy some WE cotton- covered wire and add his favored connectors! 
MQA and the "Pre Ring - Post Ring" Hoax
It's the old laundry detergent spiel of "whiter whites" to get you the consumer to buy their product! 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
+1 geoffkait! Sarcastic irony! Or ironic sarcasm! Flip a coin! 
what happened to the post on the sat tonearm?
Nothing wrong with a $30K tonearm! Bet it matches well with that $16K Grado cartridge!  
I hate when this happens
I could only play music at a reasonable level (to me!) when my brother left our house. He complained that it was too loud and couldn't hear his TV! He too would flick the light switch! And threaten to pull the circuit breaker for my room! 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
Save your money and buy a REAL tube amp from Will Vincent (autospec). I have his SE45 amp and it is superb! Need more power? Will can build you a 2A3 or a 6L6/EL34/6550 single-end amp! Beyond these PP is needed for more power: his Dynaco ST70 clon... 
Chinese products
+1 oddiofyl! Buy American - plenty of good choices available! 
Some help with my new-used Michell Gyrodec w/ Zeta tonearm...
 I recommend buying a Robert Grodinski Research RGR 4 preamp. Used price is $200 - $300 (I own one!). They were made from 1980 - '84. Mr. Grodinski was the owner/designer of pro sound company RG Dynamics. A superb sounding preamp with particular a... 
It Looks Like Streaming May Be The Future
+1 slaw! Physical media (tape, LP, CD) has monetary value. Streaming has ZERO monetary worth to the user! Remember it is ILLEGAL to copy, sell or loan this digital content! Finally the music providers have their hands on the throats of the consume... 
It Looks Like Streaming May Be The Future
Streaming is just RENTING! The music content is just loaned to you. It is ILLEGAL to copy, sell or loan this content! I prefer ownership! Point 2: how can the provenance of the digital content be verified? Is it a first generation copy, a second g... 
+1 rauliruegas! $30K is an appallingly high price for a tonearm! I will stick with my vintage FR29 and FR54! Both get the job done with low-compliance mc cartridges.