
Responses from roberjerman

Beware the audio guru
@dill : Sound trumps measurements - unless they're really bad! Why else would I listen? 
Beware the audio guru
Let us hope that JA remains at his post measuring for Stereophile!  
Beware the audio guru
In today's Internet era the pendulum has swung towards the "listening" side. So we have a proliferation of "experts" and gurus who are unfamiliar with and disdain measurements! The new "golden ears" crowd. A sad state of affairs, indeed! 
Beware the audio guru
If only we had the two Peters (Aczel and Moncrieef) to step in here! They were against the subjectivist gurus (Gordon Holt and Harry Pearson). Said gurus having significant sway over audio opinion (70's - 90's era, pre-Internet). Print counted for... 
Keep Adcom GFP-750 or Replace
+1 timlub! These upgrades from would be the way to go! You have an excellent preamp with its Nelson Pass heritage. Well worth keeping! 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
@mrdecibel : When I posted "So Mr.D, go for it!" I was referring to Dan Da'Agostino - not you! More power to him if he can sell these monuments to extravagant consumption! 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
Come the Revolution ... 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
Right on Art! You are a "voice crying in the wilderness". But nobody is listening! A certain purveyor of High End products has introduced a $350K mono-pair of amps weighing a back-straining 485 lbs. each! Sure, it is great to have 6000 watts at 2 ... 
What used speakers raraely come up for sale
Beveridge 2SW-1 with the pair of original sub's! Rarely seen (or heard!). A great near-forgotten system! Direct-drive electrostatics - all you need is a preamp and source. 
Yanni or Laurel?
If it sounds stupid, it IS stupid! 
Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?
KLH Nine electrostatics bought from the first owner for $500 in 1992! Still have them in use! 
Is this MQA news a big deal?
+1 ptss! MQA is the GREAT AUDIO SWINDLE of today! And you are right about today's pop music - most of it is just DRECK! 
Fuses on Magnepan .7 speackers
Never have so many been so deluded about a small piece of wire! 
Fuses on Magnepan .7 speackers
A fuse is a fuse is a fuse ... THEY ARE ALL ALIKE! If a fuse works it is a GOOD fuse! Do not listen to what the crazies say! Whether a fuse costs $1 or $150 THEY ALL SOUND ALIKE! A fuse is NOT a tone control and does NOTHING to change tone quality... 
Phono (0.1- 0.22mV+) or step up for LOMC?
+1 again for nandric! A good SUT (Bellari) and a good MM phono stage will give you good and enjoyable music listening!