
Responses from roadwhorerecords

Inside the Iso Acoustics mechanism
Where do you think they've been hiding Jimmy Hoffa?  
which is a better speaker
@dicockrum  +1  Good non-crabby answer and advice for the OP's inquiry.  
Need some Cart recommendations, $300 - $700 (New/Used) range…warm, full, yet great def.
+1 on the 2M Bronze, or the Black at your upper $ limit. I enjoy both.  
Seller Listing Pet Peeve
Having pictures of the back is a good indicator of condition as well. Connections are typically the more fragile side pf any equipment. Bought an amp once where one of the posts was bent, and not very apparent in the photos because of the angle.  
How do you judge audio components and speakers?
I agree with the "weighs more, sounds better" school of thought. Typically the first tweak I preform on new equipment, is taping $20 worth of pennies to the top, and fill any voids with special 'audio sand". 🙄  
Doge (China to USA) Tariff
@dweller  . +1👍  
Doge (China to USA) Tariff
@stereo5  Yes, we can thank our former president for balancing the trade deficit. Thank you President Trump👍  
Classical? Chinese Music
@tablejockey   I saw Kitaro for the "Kojiki" tour at the Fabulous FOX in Atlanta. Amazing! Unforgettable! I can still feel those massive drums resonating through my chest.  
Classical? Chinese Music
You should check out Kitaro. Silk Road is my favorite, but all of his albums are mesmerizing.  
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
@pesky_wabbit    +1   Otherwise we would only be listening to test records and severely limited in our choices.   
Best cable for record cleaner, ever
What kind of room treatments do you suggest for the record cleaner?  
Let me explain something to you jive turkeys.
Far Out thread Dude.  
Cassette decks. How good can it get?
Had the Nak 1000 and CR-5A, CR-5A was better. My CR-5A had been tweeked by our 2in R2R tech and biased to TDK MA-XG tapes. Was better than any 7 1/2 ips R2R I ever owned ( admittedly i've only owned 3, but have listened to many in and out of the s... 
God doesn't need to know what time it is.
@mahgister   I can understand, I collect antique tools. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  
Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes!
@facten    Thanks for the info. I used to live in Roswell, just up the road from it now. May take a drive and see if they will give me a tour of the facility.