
Responses from rmarcus5757

Help Setting Up Quad System In Seattle
If you are interested in parting with your stands, please let me know. You wont need them if you will be driving 1 pair of quads - Rich 
Care to recommend a preamp?
CAT SL1 - feel free to contact me for additional information. Great phono stage, versatile and built like a tank. 
OMA or Jean Natais Lenco rebuild
Do you have his table? Did you look at the OMA and Natais prior to making your decision? 
Amplifier for Quads
thanks - out of curiousity, are you using subs and/or ribbon tweeters? 
Can anyone recommend a transmission line subwoofer
thanks very much. 
Can anyone recommend a transmission line subwoofer
Thanks very much - please send the photos to rmarcus5757@optonline.net 
Basis table or SME
thanks very much - can you elaborate? 
Basis table or SME
feel free to contact me at rmarcus5757@optonline.net if you would like to talk more about it. 
Basis table or SME
I am located near New York City - I still own the Forsell. I'm more than happy to talk to you about it if you would like. 
Basis table or SME
Thanks very much. Did you try a Vector 4 
Innersound Electrostatic amp driving Quad esl 57's
Thanks again - I like my Bedini's but am open to suggestions regarding amplification. 
Innersound Electrostatic amp driving Quad esl 57's
For decades I have heard and read that you don't need more than 25 wpc. With that being said, there is apparantly circuitry built into this amp that enables the user to realize the benefits of much greater power without damaging the quads. 
Basis table or SME
thanks very much. What arm and caetridge are you using? 
Subwoofers for Stacked Quad ESL 57's
Thanks very much. Do you use them with esl 57's? 
Subwoofers for Stacked Quad ESL 57's
I'd like to get additional information on your stands. What is the best way for us to connect? Please advise asap. Thanks much.