
Responses from rktxyz

Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE
Rich..thanks a lot for the info. I agree with you that iinitially i should stick with stock tubes and after learning a bit about tubes then i can think about experimentation.Btw PrimaLuna PL1 comes with stock EL34s. Do you think getting PL1 is a b... 
Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE
Rhljazz...thanks for the info. Primaluna Prologue One comes default with EL34s. May be i should go with Prologue One. 
Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE
Guys..thanks a lot for all the excellent suggestions. I have decided to go with Primaluna Prologue Two. It's outside my budget range. So first i will try to get a used one, if i dont get, i will get a new one.Between EL34 and KT88 tubes, which one... 
Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE
Rhljazz/R_f_sayles/Darkmoebius...thanks for the suggestions. I will start getting more details on the recommended amps. I may post more questions on these amps 
Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE
Rich....your music tastes are very similar to mine! More and more i feel like my Spendors will do great with tubes. Even i live in apartment, so i cant turnup volume! 
Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE
Rich...i think your SA1's are similar to S3/5's. What kind of music you listen to on SA1+Primaluna combination?Fsardon...are you using Audiomat Solfege with Spendor S3/5's? I will try to read more on this amp. 
Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE
Rbrowne...my room is 19ftX11ft(with a 10ftX9ft extn to the side...actually L shaped room). So i think its a small room.And also to be more specific about music i listen to - its mostly male/female Vocals, violin and flute and artists like Bob Dyla... 
Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE
Avguy and Yogiboy..thanks for the responses. Seems Jadis amps are out of my budget range! I dont have a pre-amp and i am looking for integrated only. Earlier i had nad c325bee and Yamaha streo receiver(i use this with my Usher speakers). I sold my...