
Responses from rkochies

New speakers for a new start?
I know they are out of business, but designs are still being made by new company.. I am referring to Consensus Audio. If you ever get a chance to see/hear them, do it. The sound is clear, clean and magical… Bob  
Consensus Audio heaven
Might have to sell my beloved Concensus Passions…  
Maker Audio NL14 and NL14+...
Good for you. I recently picked up a NL14+ Version II from Tom. Much better than my old Edge amps. Bob 
Your Opinion on Amps
I recently purchased a Maker NL 14 Version 2. It replaced my Edge NL 10.2 which Steven Norber had updated. It is cut from same sonic cloth, but much better in every way. I highly recommend Tom's latest work. Good Luck...Bob 
Consensus Audio heaven
If anyone has an interest in these speakers and would like to hear them, let me know. Live in Florida…Bob 
Opinion on Edge amps
Had Steven Norber upgrade my 10.1 to the 10.2…great improvement. It mates perfectly with my Consensus Passions.. 
MUSE Erato II - Anyone using this player?
I agree about the tray, but oh boy, what great sound for the money. Kevin is great designer. 
MUSE Erato II - Anyone using this player?
I agree about the disc tray...wait until broken in...sound is fantastic 
Maker Audio NL14 and NL14+...
Any further comments on the NL 14+ after they were broken in ? Thanks 
Personal speaker evolution
My speaker list left off with Nearfield Pipedream 924's. I have now replaced them with a pair of Consensus Passions. These are by far the best speakers I have ever owned. Wonderful when mated to the Edge NL 10.2 
Edge NL 10.1 update
should have done this long ago. After talking with Steven Norber, formerly of Edge, I did have him upgrade my amp to the 10.2 version. Amazing improvement..much cleaner, quieter, better ambience and decay, stronger in mid-bass,much easier to liste... 
Consensus Audio heaven
Shubertmaniac...nice comments...I agree with your description at the end. If you think the Mirage is good, you should here the Thunder(Passion)...also best finished cabinets I have ever seen 
Consensus Audio heaven
I did get involved in the crap shoot and bought a pair of Consensus Passions from dealer in Italy. These are the best speakers I have ever heard. They mate very well with my custom Edge NL 10.2.... 
Personal speaker evolution
Acoustat 2+2Apogee DuettaVandersteen 3Thiel 3.6Genesis VTyler Decade 10Nearfield Pipedream 924Quite a ride over the years. Most electronics were several generations of Krell. Now Edge... 
Anyone own or heard Edge i3?
Wish I could help. I have an NL 10.1 which I really think is fantastic. Cannot go wrong with any Edge product.