

Responses from rja

Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?
patrickdowns, I think the EMM retails somewhere in the neighborhood of $20,000? FYI: MA2 now replaced by MA3 at list of $10,500.  
What is this term 'analytical' ?
"Analytical" is something I’ve been fighting ever since I got into this stupid hobby. The arrival of "Digital" made things worse.  
Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?
First of all, I would like to apologize for not attacking anyone. Personal attacks seem de rigueur around here these days. Maybe the days of cordial conversation are gone? 5% of your CDs sound harsh? That percentage sounds about the right. I sugg... 
Duelund/Mundorf Ultra Loudspeaker Purifiers
Is there any possibility of damaging speakers with these?  
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse?
If you have it, flaunt it! And why stop at one fuse?  
Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?
Try an Aesthetix Pandora Eclipse DAC if you can.  
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
They should burn them in for you.  
Has anyone tried the Deulund-Mundorf Ultra Speaker Purifiers?
Has anyone tried the Synergistic Research XOT Carbon?  
Sonnet Audio Morpheus
That explains the lack of US based reviews. Maybe later this year?  
Sonnet Audio Morpheus
Just wondering if anyone has listened to the Pasithea yet. Have they hit our shores?  
Demo Aesthetix Romulus
I’ve owned a Romulus Eclipse for a number of years now and I’m still searching for something that can better it but YMMV I should have purchased the stand alone DAC because I usually use an external CD Transport (yes I still spin CDs). I have al... 
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
Calling China a communist country is laughable. They are "communists" when it suits them but in reality they are one of the most capitalist countries in the world, raw unbridled capitalism. Unfortunately the economic systems they choose are overs... 
Demo Aesthetix Romulus
Eclipse? BTW: Judicious tube rolling might be something to consider.  
The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same?
Yup, bits are bits! What of it?  
Amir and Blind Testing
Here's an interesting quote from Kevin Scott, Living Voice speaker designer. "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted, counts."