

Responses from rixthetrick

Footers under my speakers double the perceived value of my speakers!
hg, yours are a perfect example of a floor stander that could accept Townshend Audio seismic pods, however with the bolt on top like the seismic corners have, then you can bolt them directly under your outriggers. Zero Stiffness is the goal. Ther... 
You know you are an Audiophile when:
@jfd11 You might be an audiophile if...the UPS and FedEx guys know not to stop when they see the wife's car in the driveway.  oh man.... lol 
Footers under my speakers double the perceived value of my speakers!
I'm using good old American steel under my stand mounts. Less than 1/4" they have elevated the speakers in position, and a lot in performance.Smalley wave springs on Ebay cost me under $20 shipped.Isolation works very well for me.All my electronic... 
Anybody want a laugh?
I have had a similar experience to discopants in regards to a linear power supply, however in my USB.roberttdid mentioned about power to the USB, and I removed power for my computer based USB card to an external quality linear power supply with ve... 
Anybody want a laugh?
Yeah I'll agree that the "Peace & Control" verbage sounded quite a lot like bovine excrement. However I did find the article that stated a good linear power supply into the switch yielded a better result.  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
@roberttdid - so minute differences in resitance and RFI rejection are not indicators of anything that audibly effects a speaker cable, what would you as an engineer say would be measurable indicators to look for in a speaker cable?Does capacitanc... 
Anybody want a laugh?
On the other hand, I also saw this review,https://alpha-audio.net/review/review-fidelizer-etherstream-switch/2/"Now we are curious what a nicer adapter would do on the SG110D-08. So the default switch. We’ll take a Sbooster 12-volt version and c... 
Anybody want a laugh?
So really nobody here has stepped forward and actually tested the highly modified switch manufactured or rather upgraded by a highly respected audiophile products seller. Snake Oil, snake oil.The same switch which actually has these reviews...as w... 
Anybody want a laugh?
@mahgister - good point, when you hear superior you recognise it.@djones, maybe you should ask the seller if he'll accept returns and try the funny router? 
Anybody want a laugh?
@djones - maybe because it's superior and you have just validated my comments? And do you suppose that it cannot possibly be improved upon, in any way by anybody? 
Anybody want a laugh?
@djones - well it’s a good thing that well healed audiophiles all know the fact - "measurements mean absolutely nothing", right? Well I’m into computer audio, and I’ve been following the advice of the "people" in the forums with excellent results ... 
Anybody want a laugh?
@cd318 - yes and network streaming is now considered the benchmark, apparently better than any other known system for sending a data stream to a DAC.  
Anybody want a laugh?
It's been built for network streaming, which reportedly has better sound quality than USB, HDMI, coax and optic fiber. The processing is done on the server computer, the data stream is sent on to the streaming device (which just does the hand off,... 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
@andy2 - did you manage to see the video about speaker cables absorbing RFI ?? Pretty good information.To be clear, the speaker wires can convert radio waves into electrical energy = noise. The meter on the tuner is a measurement device! https://... 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC0s6KqQz3gThought this might be of interest, and yeah something about speaker wires that is measurable, dead easy to measure. Enjoy!