
Discussions rivercitylad has started

Martin Logan Theater i center32052
Theta CBll vs. Meridian 861.436612
Theta Casablance ll Vs CBlll31665
Best front loading transport tha plays RB and SACD27854
Meitner Dac 6 vs. Theta CCll Extreme Dacs45267
McIntosh 2105 Amp and C-26 Pre51016
Red Rose Music Rosebud I VS . II141033
Genesis Technologies report on black CDR's38725
New Spectral CDP at CCES20741
Best sounding room at CES 2003521513
Which sub would you choose?824419
Help me choose a sub31577
Best rack that can be built into the wall22914
Anyone heard the new Edge Amps?30694
Which AV processors have an analog pass-thru?723417