
Responses from richlane

Kubala sosna new Elation cables
Hi Wadav,They Emotion Cables sound on the warm side of neutral, but not overly lush. They are very well balanced from top to bottom, there is not one area; such as bass, midrange, or treble, that stands out from the rest. They are totally dialed i... 
CDP / DAC Advice required
Hi Uglystupid,Wow, I'm a little surprised that the Apogee mini beat the Bel Canto DAC3, head to head.I found the Benchmark to have excellent low level resolution, a wide soundstage but not a deep soundstage, it is analytical, brighter, and more fo... 
CD transport vs streamer?
Hi Mlsstl,Fair enough, I was just curious to see if others had heard the differnecnces that I have described regarding the Transporter as a streamer only, as compared to the Squeezebox as a streamer only, but I now understand that you owned them a... 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
Audiogalore Quote: "I guess my dilemma is that I do not have balance inputs on my Melos 333 line pre-amp. and I know there will be some degradation taking balance out of the Transporter directly to my Power amp. I believe this month Absolute made ... 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
Hi Audiogalore,I'm not surprised he said that, he's probably a support tech answering the phone (I have no idea), however even engineers who are not audiophiles like yourself, don't understand the reasons why these differences occur. I know some v... 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
No I didn't, because the Squeezebox can't handle 24Bit/96khz, it max's out at 24Bit/48Khz and I don't have any 24/48 music files.I should also point out that I always keep the Digital Volume Control all the way up, on the Transporter and so I did ... 
CDP / DAC Advice required
I'm sorry, I meant to say that I really loved the Bel Canto DAC3 for $1600 used, not the Benchmark DAC3 which doesn't even exist.Rich 
CD transport vs streamer?
Hi Misstl,I'm curious, did you ever compare the Transporter as a stand-alone front-end hooked up with the Lavry as the external DAC ($3000 combo), to the Squeeezbox front-end/ Lavry DAC Combo ($1400 combo).Or did you just compare the Transporter w... 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
Hi Audiogalore,I'm glad I was able to help. You are exactly right! With the Squeezebox used as the Front-End the sound was abysmal and with the Logitech Transporter leading the way as the Front-End the sound was phenomenal, even though both front-... 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
Hi Jglim,Quote from Jglim: "From my reading of other people's reviews (no personal experience with transporter myself), the use of the transporter seems to outperform a DAC in the 2-3K region."In my experience this has not been the case. As stated... 
Benchmark DAC1 Pre - anybody heard a mod?
Yes it would, but only to the degree that a stand alone Tubed Preamp, may be better than an Integrated Hybrid Tubed Amplifier. In other words it will warm up the sound to the the best of it's ability, based on the weakest component in the chain, w... 
CDP / DAC Advice required
In your price range, I really love the Benchmark DAC3, and you can usually find them here for around $1600 used.Rich 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
You're Welcome!If you select the Volume Control to Maximum, then this should essentially have the same exact effect as stated above, be sure not to blow out your desktop speakers when switching back and forth.Hopefully, Audiogalore won't view this... 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
I forgot one setting. I also have BOTH the Default Output and System Output: set to Built-In Digital Output, but then your computer speakers may not play, unless you have an external DAC in between your computer speakers. To set the Digital Volume... 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
Hi Guys,I haven't listened to the Squeezebox 3 in my main rig for about 1 year and at that time I was using a Bel Canto DAC3 with the Transporter for the comparison, so this morning I hooked the Squeezebox up to my MBL 1611F DAC using a $40 optica...