
Responses from ricevs

Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Another DHT DAC with R2R chips in it.  Check out:http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=icm8ojuu9fpe4n6k814jpbektdcpnkv5&topic=138741.0The manufacturer (bigkidz) commented in the next to last comment on this post:https://forum.audiogon... 
Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
Bigkidz,What DAC chips are you using and are you using a digital filter? Curious. 
Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
BTW, this is the same with all electrical components (sources, preamps, amps). When I first assembled my first set of NCore NC400 amp modules and listened I wondered what the fuss what about....not good sound. Then I just left them on all night an... 
Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
My experience is different. I find just having a DAC on will do most of the burn in (67.354689%...he he). The current running through most components in a class A circuit is constant. This constant voltage and current will burn in most power suppl... 
Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
Thanks Grannyring....I am afraid it will do no good to anyone. No one wants to tweak....too afraid of hurting it, loosing warrantee or loosing resale value. Of the 250 or so Yggys sold only two people have even taken the cover off. One changed the... 
Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
The stock Yggy is perhaps the best sounding PCM only DAC in its price range.....very good value. However, a few simple inexpensive mods can take it to another level. These DIY mods can be done in a couple of hours. Please see my website for detail... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Lies? Man, you are off the deep end! Who are you quoting? Must be God because you are so righteous! he he. But God would not have said "In My Opinion". You don't have an opinion....you believe you have the "truth" and you keep quoting other people... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
George-lo-fi just won't let it go. He believes he is right and will state so over and over again.There was this guy on Audioasylum that would always say DVD-A sucks or something like that.....he would say it over and over....eventually we made up ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
The AD1955 is $7.00.....sounds cheap to me....I quess you don't like the word Cheap? How about inexpensive?....less offensive? I did not say the Berkeley Ref or any expensive DAC is cheap....just talking about the DAC chip.....it is cheap. cheep c... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
The Berkeley Reference is not an R to R DAC. It is the cheap Analog Devices AD 1955 chip.....it is a "multibit Delta Sigma DAC" Not the same at all as R to R. I think Rowland and Empirical use this DAC chip as well.MSB has been using a discrete R ... 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
Sorry, Kii speakers....look them up. I thought if you change the subject it becomes the first line.....not so here. Kiiaudio.com 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
Please check out their website, speakers and read the English translation of the review just published in the German Audio Mag. They say its the best sound they have ever heard in over 30 years of testing. $14,000 a pair here in the US...just star... 
Metrum Pavane NOS DAC
According to Analog Devices the 5791 has no IV converter....voltage comes straight off the resistor string.Now back to your scheduled programming. 
oppo 105d mod or look for a new cd player ?
By the way, the player I modded for this person was an Oppo 95 and it was modded early in 2012 (3.5 years ago). 
oppo 105d mod or look for a new cd player ?
My reputation is sterling. No one feels as this person does. All I can say is that there are two sides to every story but I am not going to tell you my side. Don't believe this kind of thing belongs here. All I can say is what he said is not true ...