
Responses from ricevs

Merrill Audio ELEMENT 118 on Tour
What you have the equipment mounted on makes all the difference in the world.  All footers change the sound.....all platforms change the sound....all things under the platform change the sound.  Almost all stock footers can be improved by using af... 
Merrill Audio ELEMENT 118 on Tour
The new Totaldac amps would be a nice A/B with the 118s. They are about the same price ($40K per pair for balanced inputs only, single stereo amp is $20K and rca input only). Zero feedback tube/solid state versus zero feedback fast GAN. I would be... 
Merrill Audio ELEMENT 118 on Tour
Probably Merrill was just stating the factory spec for the NC1200 module whereas he is actually measuring? his 116......A lot of "factory specs" never are realized in real life.  Maybe Merrill will chime in here.   These specs mean very little in ... 
Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible?
Some stereo amps are fully dual mono....separate power supplies for each channel.  The Nord stereo amps are dual mono....my stereo amps are dual mono.  In fact, I have an option to have two separate power cords on it so if you have a dedicated lin... 
Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible?
Viber6,Mono and balanced are mucho superior to single ended stereo.  The trouble with the AVA stuff is that Frank is anti tweak.  So, if anyone modded his thang he might throw a tantrum......and could you get it serviced?  If anyone wants to send ... 
Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible?
Another one to add to the list:......I make a dual mono 600 watt per channel (1200 into 4 ohm) stereo amp for $2000 using the latest Icepower IceEdge modules (2 mono modules per box and highly modified).  I sell these extremely tweaked amps with 3... 
Merrill Audio ELEMENT 118 on Tour
I am not suggesting that you can just throw some GaNs in any old class D module and get great sound. Merrill has a super power supply, has a custom zero feedback circuit, has copper plates inside, is damped, uses great jacks, etc. However, the GaN... 
Merrill Audio ELEMENT 118 on Tour
Typical no information review.  No direct comparisons to other amps in its price range.  Just a vague mention of Dartzeel.......and which Dart is he talking about?  This is what is wrong with high end audio....It is all a big infomercial.  When is... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
The IcePower ASP modules are at least a 13 year old design. The reason Parts Express sells them is that IcePower needs to get rid of the old stock. You cannot buy the latest IceEdge modules at retail. They are only sold to OEMs. I sold an amp in 2... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Tim,The input stage on an amp is not an output stage.  Output stages have to drive a speaker, so you would not want current limiting.  The input stage is just an op amp.  Most integrated circuit op amps cannot drive over 100ma.  They are using a d... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
George,We are all here to grow in Love......to stop judging.  I cannot make you be less harsh and judgemental.  Only you can decide to do this for yourself. I will pray for you. 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
George,You need to take a break! You are passing judgement on Guido....that is for sure. Then, you could say, I am passing judgement on you for judging Guido for.......ha, ha, ha. Really, I love you....I don’t judge you....but I call you out on yo... 
Merrill Audio Element 116 Review
So, what amp did they replace and what other amps have you heard in your system? 
How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks
I hope this post can save people some time and money.The Icepower ASP modules being sold by Parts Express are very old technology. I sold mono blocks with the 500 watt modules for $2000 the pair in 2006. Here is a review of them.http://10audio.com... 
How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks
Erik,Looks like 500K switching to me.  The oscillator is in the megs.....not the PWM frequency.....maybe I don't know nothin.George,Your link to Gan-fet is from 2014 and Purely Emotional Audio is an offshoot of classdaudio.  They have yet to produ...