
Responses from rgairns

best sounding DVD transport?
The EAD DVDMaster 8000 Pro is pretty awesome -- http://www.guidetohometheater.com/dvdplayers/69/ 
Amps used for Von Schw.VR2's??
FWIW, one of Mr. Von Schweikert's favorites is the Spectron Musican II. In fact, he uses that amp to voice some of models. 
Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?
Can anyone comment on the VR-2s adequacy in a room that measures 17' x 21' x 12'. At only 40" in height, has the VR-2 enough gusto for a room that size? Thanks. 
Spectron Musician Reliability Issues....
I own two MII amps -- not for backup, but used simultaneously, to drive two pair of ML 'statics. No trouble whatsoever on either of your two points. Mind, it's very easy to get hold of the powers that be at Spectron should any amp problem arise. T... 
Who makes a DVD or CD player with variable output?
The Alpha Digital EAD DVDMaster 8000 Pro is one such player -- eight analog audio outs, with analog volume control. It's a killer player (I have one for sale here at the HT/video dept). 
anyone heard of Luxman amp.pls help
Sean, you're a talking encyclopedia!! :) 
Review: Initial DMA-710 Mini Home Theater Surround Pre
A terrific piece!! No, I'm not busting to get myself a unit, but your journey makes for a really fun read! :) 
Preamps/amps that look great and''feel' great ???
Thsalmon: the truth emerges -- it's all about twiddling beautiful knobs. ;-) 
Am I doing this right?
Dave: Got it. Thanks. 
Am I doing this right?
Prpixel: can you elaborate on that? I have a 2/ch amp that cannot be bridged, and when I enquired with the manufacturer about using a single amp channel to power my center speaker in my HT, I was told that it would not be a problem and no adjustme... 
Snell kIIs - LOST All my imaging - help
Perhaps that big entertainment center between the speakers induces bad reflection kharma. 
upgrade transport or amps..advice please
Nope. MLB changed the rules -- it takes four strikes. NOW the Marantz is gone. ;-) 
Building a Subwoofer
Damn!! They must never have heard the Sunfire True Sub Jr!! 
Spectron Musician II vs. "Big" Tube Amps
I'll second the Musician II recommendation. For outright value and brilliant performance, it could be the ticket. 
So what sub are you using for your Home theater?
Here's a sub you might consider:http://www.hometheatersound.com/equipment/svs_2531pcplus.htm