

Responses from rfogel8

Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
When it comes to reviewers, my tastes coincide more with tube guys like Dick Olsher or Jack English, when he was around. I've rarely agreed with Mikey's tastes in electronics but wouldn't fault him for what he likes any more than I would someone w... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Daveyf, Vinyl is my source of choice and always has been. I've gone for years at a time without digital because it always left me bored and wanting. Yes I have a fairly decent vinyl rig; Galibier Gavia table w/Stelvio armboard, latest Tri-Planar V... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Daveyf, I wasn't knocking the CAT and if you reread my post, you'll see I owned several of them over many years and enjoyed every one. I notice you own two older CATs and apparently you feel your ox has been gored because I said the MP-1 is better... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Since nobody else responded, I'll give you my "opinion." Over a period of maybe 15 years, I owned the Cat Sig. Mk.1, Mk.2, Mk.3, Ultimate 1, and finally Ultimate 2. I guess I'm qualified to comment on the CAT! For the money, a CAT is hard to beat.... 
Tube dampers on your tube s in you CDP or DAC?
I've used them for years on all my tube gear including CD players. For small signal tubes(12AX7), Galen Carol Audio offers effective but inexpensive damper rings on his website.I've also found several suppliers of similar but larger versions for m... 
Upgrade from a Cary SLI-80 integrated amp
They're also very good in my Atma-Sphere gear. 
Upgrade from a Cary SLI-80 integrated amp
Dminches, glad to hear your T-S's are in good shape. I didn't want to cause you concern but there are a lot of so-called NOS tubes floating around, especially on Ebay, that are on their last leg. I too use Mullard rectifiers and like them a lot. N... 
Innersound Electrostatic amp driving Quad esl 57's
No way I'd mate a 600 watt solid state with '57's. As Atmasphere suggests, stay with low power tubes! 
Upgrade from a Cary SLI-80 integrated amp
Dminches, do you have a way to test your NOS TS6550's? I don't want to alarm you but those old Tungsol's, in good condition, are quite rare. I ran across 8 of them quite some time ago and was looking forward to hearing them in a pair of CJ's I use... 
What is the single best pre amp you have ever hear
Call me suspicious but when I first noticed this post a week ago, I too thought all the Berning praise was a bit odd. Especially since the OP was supposedly seeking opinions from others. After rereading the OP, it seems to me, he's already made up... 
Upgrade from a Cary SLI-80 integrated amp
My main system for some time now has been all Atma-Sphere(MP-1, MA-1's) and I'm extremely happy with the sound. The heart of my second system is the SLI-80 F1, all-triode, direct coupled version. It came with EL34's which to my ears sounded thick,... 
Esoteric DV-60 vs Oppo BDP-95
You're welcome! 
Esoteric DV-60 vs Oppo BDP-95
Unless the DV-60 is a big improvement over the DV-50 I owned a while back, I'd pass. To my ears, the DV-50 was dry, sterile, and with mediocre recordings, downright irritating. I own the BDP-95, which I purchased mainly for video, and while it's n... 
Tube Pre/Monoblock Recommendation
I think you'd be extremely happy with Atma M60's and either an MP-1 or MP-3. I own the MA-1's and while they were very good with a CAT Ultimate, an MP-1 took everything to a much higher level. 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Audiozen, sorry to burst your bubble but JWM did own the Playback Design for a few months and I heard it on numerous occasions. He's exactly right; not only was it lean and quite two dimensional, it also sounded rather closed in and dry.You on the...