Responses from rfauto
Warm sounding phono cartridge @ericba I initially had the cartridge loaded at 100 Ohms at 60 db of gain, then dropped it to 80 as I thought it sounded a little bright on my gear. I don’t think that there’s a problem with the cartridge. It just seems like a good cart for critic... | |
Warm sounding phono cartridge @thebrokenrecord I had the dealer that I bought the cartridge from outside Boston, MA set it up for me. One thing I do notice is that albums sound more open when I’m not using a record mat on the platter. I have a Clearaudio Satisfy tonearm. I thi... | |
Warm sounding phono cartridge Thanks everyone for the input. I just want to clarify that I do really like sound of the Hana Umami Blue. I have the loading set at 80 ohms (coil impedance is 8 ohms). I tried it at 100 ohms, but it sounded bright. If I play my MOFI Eagles Hot... | |
Warm sounding phono cartridge I have 2 phono stages. A Manley Chinook and a Hegel V10. I have played with the loading on both and get similar results. Although the Hegel seems to have less top and bottom to me than the Manley. A good example is I just bought a Jackson Brown... | |
Music Hall Classic Turntable My girlfriend has a Music Hall Classic. I think it’s a great turntable for the money. +1 on an Ortofon cartridge that fits your budget. My girlfriend is using the phono stage in her Peachtree Nova 150. But, i’m sure upgrading the phono stage from ... | |
Cartridge upgrade That’s kind of what I thought too. I currently have my Clearaudio Virtuoso V1 MM carts gain set at 45db, load resistance at 47k ohms and a load capacitance of 100pf. So, the moving iron Soundsmith is virtually the same…. The other reason I went w... | |
Cartridge upgrade @mijostyn thanks for your input regarding a cartridge for my table. I made a stop at my local Clearaudio dealer last week. He agreed with you that the satisfy tonearm on my table could handle a significant cartridge upgrade. I was planning on m... | |
Kirmuss 'In the Groove' Ultrasonic Record Restorer - Upscale Audio Edition After doing some research an audiophile friend and I went partners on a new Degritter Mk II. We have had it for about 6 months now and are happy with it. It does make a noticeable difference with record sound quality. I’ve also found that using it... | |
Mark Knopfler & James Taylor James Taylor- Shower the People. Especially the version where Arnold McCuller is performing the vocal solo. | |
Cartridge upgrade @lewm I kind of wanted to grab a Purple Heart as a fellow commentor mentioned Kiseki is pulling out of the US market. I guess I could grab one used somewhere down the line. However, I’m not against buying from Soundsmith or some of the makers that... | |
Cartridge upgrade Thanks everyone for your input. @mijostyn I have a friend that has a Soundsmith Paua Mk II on his table. In my opinion it’s one of the best sounding cartridges I have heard. However, I think that costs more new than a Purple Heart. I would like t... | |
Looking for phono preamp advice in the $1000 - $1600 range $1500 + - was also my phono stage budget. I found a pre-owned Manley Chinook Upscale Audio Ed. for $1595. It was the best money I have spent on my analog set up. If you want solid state +1 on the Hegel V10. I went partners with a friend on one. We... | |
Looking for a great phono pre-amp in the $1000 or less range If you’re looking for solid state the Hegel V10 sounds great. A pre owned one can be had in the $1,000 range. | |
Turntable for girlfriend Thanks for the input. Easy setup and use for her is key. Cartridge alignment, tracking force and anti-skate are foreign terms to her. So, if there’s a problem, I’ll get a call right away. She’s just texted and asked why there are so many Three Dog... | |
Complete vinyl system, TT to speakers, for $1500? I just uploaded a similar post. I'm looking for an inexpensive system for my girlfriend here in the USA. I'm leaning towards a stock Rega Planar 1 and a refurbished Peachtree Audio Nova 150 so she can use the MM internal phono stage. I already ... |