
Responses from respected_ent

Power cable
I guess it's all system dependent, and also not all power cords are good for Codex.  I tried the $4,000 MasterBuilt Power cord on Codex, and it didn't sound better than the Voodoo Platinum Dragon ($800).  The Voodoo Platinum Dragon was designed sp... 
Power cable
I've tried a number of power cords on Codex, and the one that sounds the best to me is the Voodoo Platinum Dragon. 
Power cable
I replaced the stock power cord on my Ayre Codex, and the difference is huge. 
EXOGAL Comet or Shitt Yggdrasil DAC
How do these 2 dacs compare with Ayre Codex?  Thanks. 
Endeavor Audio E3 owners
I have the E-2 Mk2 for about 2 years now, and I still enjoy them as much as day 1.  They sound absolutely amazing.  Musical and engaging.  I've used Hegel, Vincent, and Plinius amps on them, and they just sound great with any of them.  Highly reco... 
Considering these USB cables.
Anticables Level 3.1 Reference Series USB is very good.  Used is under $200. 
Looking at sub $200 power cables.
Voodoo Mojo power cord is really good.  Highly recommended.   
Light Harmonic LightSpeed USB: best USB cable under $1k?
Seems like Audience Au24 SE USB is now the best USB in the market.  Any comments?  Thanks. 
Light Harmonic LightSpeed USB: best USB cable under $1k?
Does anyone have this cable?  If so, please share your experience.  Thanks. 
Hegel H-160 or Parasound Halo Integrated
I've heard both Hegel H160 and H200.  If sound is more important than having the dac, then H200 would be the way to go.  A used H200 is around $2k right now, and I think that's a great deal for a good amp like the H200.   
Integrated amp under 2000.00 used
A used Hegel H200 is around $2,000.  I have a friend who used to have it with the W4S Dac2 in his system, and the sound was very nice.  Natural and musical. 
High End Amp Price Collapse musings
I agree with okeeteekid completely.  I was interested in class D amps a while back, but after hearing a few (including Devialet), I still think class D technology has a long way to go before being able to compete with class A sound. 
Integrated amp upgrade
Hegel H200 would be a good upgrade for you, and there is one for sale on US Audio Mart for $2,200.  I've compared H200 to a number of integrated amps, and I find it to be one of the best under $5k. 
Power cord replacement suggestions
In my experience, power cord change at the source makes the biggest difference.  I started out with my dac and the difference was huge.  Then I changed the power cord on the amp, and there were noticeable differences, but not as big as the dac. 
Ayre Codex - to keep or not to keep
After about 200 hours of break-in, Codex will really open up and sound significantly better, and the sound will continue to improve until 400 or 500 hours.