
Responses from rel

Scanning LPs ?
Whoops! Sorry, Kenyonbm--didn't notice that you linked to the same article!- 
Scanning LPs ?
Pirates: Their days are numberedOr maybe not: "How to Pirate a Vinyl Record"- 
Do you believe everything you read on the internet
Or as the noted Berkeley computer scientist, Robert Wilensky, once remarked:We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know thi... 
Let's add a Spell Check to Audiogon
Spelle czecher?? Eye four won have NEVAR realle scene a knead four won inn any poste or add iv come acrost hear on Autiogonn.What we DO need,though,is a damn space bar pusher!What is up with these people?Their space bars seem to work at the end of... 
What's your dream digital product ?
Kenyonbm: I can't believe no one has chimed in on this yet, but your dream product:A combination CD player and wireless network hard drive. Each time I played a new CD, I would have the option of saving to the network drive; title, track and perfo... 
REL is dead. Long live REL
I'd just like to report that the rumors of my death, if not greatly exaggerated, are at the very least, mostly untrue.And while Richard Edmund Lord's claim to the initials REL likely predates mine by quite a few years, I still lurk proudly here on... 
What 'entrance' music?
How about "Hail to the Chief"???Seriously, though, who in their right mind would want to hear the same piece of music every time they walk through their front door? And if this is the "Next Big Thing" will it prove to be even more obnoxious than c... 
What do you think of my 25 laws of audio
Plinko: Is that because you think they are SET in their ways? Actually, most SET proponents are extremely open-minded: there's even a poem written by one in praise of experimentation entitled "Try Ode." 
Just Talkin' 'Bout Itzhak
Onhwy61,Usually I find your posts intelligent, insightful, and well-informed, but this one is very disappointing! Obviously, showmanship is not your strong suit.Get with it, man--this is the 21st century! If you think you can impress an audience w... 
Tweaks That Don't Work
TWL: You may need to reapply the foil, being sure to ignore any protests from your components. Most commonly reported? A barely audible murmuring that sounds something like "Curses! Foiled again!!" 
Sri Lanka and the Tsunami
Rives:The article specifically says:The ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun's rays eliminates virtually all disease-causing bacteria, viruses and micro-organisms.I cannot personally vouch for the efficacy of the process they describe, but UV i... 
Sri Lanka and the Tsunami
While just slightly off topic, I came across this article on purifying water on the BBC news site awhile back, and was struck by its simplicity and practicality. Perhaps you can pass the information along.In northern Brazil, residents in the town ... 
Apple Lossless Wirelessly
Here's a link to a troubleshooting page from Apple: AirTunes audio stream drops or cuts out.Hope it helps! 
Sliding down the 78 rpm slippery
Had Audiogon been around, say, twenty years after the introduction of the 78, you can be sure there would have been an outspoken faction decrying the inferiority and soullessness of the new shellac-based technology. So rather than risk wasting tim... 
My baby left me... left me sad and bluuuuueee....
And don't forget those immortal words of J. Geils:"I've had the blues, the reds and the pinks,One thing's for stinks!"--