

Responses from redphu72

Which Monitor Speakers to Consider
@mofojo & shadorne exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks guys.  
Which Monitor Speakers to Consider
Thanks everyone for your input esp auditroy for the detailed breakdown; you've made some great points.  I'd like to here from those who have had a chance to listen to Kef vs SF.  Is it worth the difference in cost.  
Component recommendations: best bang for buck.
Thanks for the word of caution. It’s seems like an AVR is the easy option for now; the Yamaha Aventage RX 3070 seems to be getting high praises and supports the latest digital formats. I could mate this with a separate amp to handle the audio func... 
Component recommendations: best bang for buck.
One of the vendors contacted me and is recommending the Arcam AVR 850 as being far superior than anything out there, including the Krell Foundation. And it so happens that there are two available on eBay, however I did notice that it supports HDMI... 
Component recommendations: best bang for buck.
Avlee, thanks for the heads up. I’ll look into the NAD.  Any thoughts on the Arcam processor or receiver? 
Component recommendations: best bang for buck.
Greetings,I know an AVR is not the "best" option, anyone have experience with the Arcam AVR 850 and use that with a two or three channel power amp?   
Component recommendations: best bang for buck.
Could you tell me what I may be missing out on if In chose the Krell over the marantz; basically what would you choose from the classifieds and retail if you were in my position.  I'm only asking as there is a sale for a combo Krell Foundation and... 
Component recommendations: best bang for buck.
Hey guys, can't thank you enough for guiding me through all this mucky muck.  Lots of good info that I need to digest and my head is spinning.  On top of that, I'm trying to get a Sprinter van so I can set up shop for near season of track day/raci... 
Component recommendations: best bang for buck.
Greetings,For clarification, I would like to have a "hybrid" system as suggested on the various forums, where theres a separate power source for a two channel audio and the a dedicated receiver (AVR) to run the HT (center/rear speakers).  Also my ... 
Component recommendations: best bang for buck.
Thank you everyone for your thoughtful feedback and recommendations.  It's definitely a lot of information to try and digest for a newcomer such as myself.  For the time being I'm going to take it easy and try to enjoy the process and perhaps most... 
Need recommendation
I'm also open to purchasing used products so if anyone could point out items on this forum that would be helpful. I'm hoping with a budget of 10-15k I could get a great deal. Thanks all and happy listening.  
Need recommendation
Would it be worth it to get the McIntosh MX 121 or 122 over the highly rated Marantz 8802?  I figure as long as I pair it with a quality power amp I can't go wrong with either.  But is it worth the huge price difference?   
Need recommendation
My plan is to get the AV processor/amplifier first to use with my Kef 5.1 and get the speakers later.  
Need recommendation
Greetings. Budget is 10-15l