
Responses from realworldaudio

How much reality do you really need?
Perfect observation!The function of real music (for me) is to ignite the imagination. Yes, live music does have a component of "sonic realism", but to me that takes second seat to what universe of sound I'm getting connected to: what is the level ... 
So how can a great system solve less than great recordings
As usual, millercarbon takes the cake! I often look at the threads to read his replies :)Well, the question was quite ambiguous, as something very different was implied by the title of the post and the explanation (main text body of the question).... 
Is your heart filled with a love of music, or something else?
When I see violent behavior it is a valuable warning sign to avoid the gear that the behaviorally challenged individuals use and own, as their audio gear did nothing to help them out of their misery, or maybe made their imbalance even worse.The tr... 
High expectations when listening to an orchestra
Not all the time, I have heard exceptions. I had an experience when I went to a Beethoven IX. The performance was very disappointing, so I spent the entire time in critical mode listening, to auditory details that we do when listening to gear crit... 
What does clipping sound like?
Damaged / worn out speaker surrounds fit the bill....If you have push-pull tube amp, then a misalignment in the phase splitting can be the culprit of this phenomenon - either one tube / tube section got worn out, or a plate load resistor went off ... 
Classical music listening... what is a better source High Rez or Vinyl?
I have a reasonable vinyl collection and I can tell that having an LP does not mean automatic heaven. If you have a weak pressing, no turntable / cartridge on Earth can help. If you have a good pressing, then the situation is quite different, but ... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
A general response on how to answer this question, not personal to any of the commenters:Most people want digested explanations presented to them and want to put in 0% effort to prove or disprove claims with their own effort. (Take all, give nothi... 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
Every audiophile friend of mine (and myself) are totally OK with blind testing. It is fun, it is a good exercise, and it is also a learning tool to perfect our skills of perception. We do it once in a while, for fun.Speaking of myself, I welcome b... 
Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo
Here's my 20c:I have heard them with the unrelenting D'Agostinos driving. Plus, have heard a number of WA products across the years, always mated with similarly priced amps that can deliver extreme current at near shorts.The crazy impedance valley... 
What are Your Favorite Tweeters?
I have experienced many things in my life, but this has redefined what a tweeter can do:Altec 288-16H a la naturelle.... (no horn attached, fire it up to the ceiling). 2Tesla alnico motor driving the diaphragm to less than 0,9mm at peak excursion.... 
2 Ohm Tekton Pendragons
First of all, kudos for Tekton, for calling them out what they are, 2 ohms! Finally, a company who is honest about ratings. (Instead of the "4R with dips below 2R" pure BS advertising - it's either 4R or 2R... impedance is defined by the lowest di... 
Dream Speakers = landed. Now I need to feed them!
No worries, any 300Bs bass will smoke the one you currently have.Weak 300B bass experience comes from people who want to drive dead speakers with them. (Your is well and truly alive.)However, 300B is definitively not for budget.I can second (third... 
3D lifelike sound and impeccable measurements - mutually exclusive???
Firstly, I am a scientist (in professional quality), so to me there is zero question about the objectivity and importance of measurements.That being said, here we go:1. Industry does not measure all the parameters relevant to sound quality. We do ... 
How loud are you typically listening?
Depends on mood and material.... whisper soft sessions (20-30dB average volume) in the late night / early hours are my favorite. I do get up at 3-4AM from time to time for these sessions. During daytime, about 50dB average volumes on the average f... 
Stirring Up Trouble
I hear you.... we are all trying to act as if audio can be approached by an objective fashion. Yet, music and sound illicit very strong emotions, making the whole experience extremely subjective. Thus, when we see reports that are contrary to our ...