
Responses from realhifi

Classe vs Levinson for B&W / Delta vs CT amps
What was the reason you purchased those B&W 802's again? I thought you were knocked out when you heard them at a dealers? Have you considered asking the dealer where you heard the wonderful sounds you so loved, what amp they had on them and if... 
B&W 805 Diamond vs 805 Siganture
They still don't have bass but they are an improvement over the ones you have. If you really want to upgrade then step right past them to the 804D. From everything I have heard it is total knockout and has bass and the FST mid which is simply a su... 
Mac 402 or 501 for B&W 802D?
Look at all amplifier options before you get on the McIntosh bandwagon. Lot's of very good alternatives out there for those speakers. Those speakers can sound flat out superb with the right amps. PS. Lucky man your friend...the new 802s are incre... 
Is McIntosh 6900 enough for B&W 802D?
Yes. It will make music beautifully with that amp period.Get the latest 802's and pair it with your old Mac and get ready to listen and listen and listen and.....When you are ready to move forward you should look at all options for those superb sp... 
Thoughts on the new 804d
They will be almost as good as an 803D. I have heard the old 804's in exactly that configuration and everyone at the shop liked them a lot with a sub. That said, if you have the room for the bigger 803s...then get em. The bass on those is SUPERB a... 
Magnepan 1.6 vs. B&W 805N
If you do go with the B&W 805's then be SURE to at least get into the 805S's which is the last one that were produced before the recent swap to all diamond tweeters for the 800 series. The 805S's are superb speakers and in some ways can give t... 
Rotel 1091 500 watt monos ok for B&W 802ds?
What you heard was the superb synergy of the Classe / B&Wcombo that is not an accident but is a result of these two legendary companies working together towards the best reproduced sound that can be had today. That's not to say there is not ot... 
B&W 803S, are they the right speakers for me?
As far as power and current and how speakers are driven it seems that more power is definately better IF the amp is superb. I have driven that very same speaker many times for customers with a ARC VSi60 60 watt integrated tube amplifier and the re... 
Magnepan 1.7
Ya really oughta hear em don't ya think? I have had so many instances that someone or a magazine said that this or that was the best thing since sliced bread only to finally hear them and think...huh? ANY speaker has it's own set of plus's and min... 
B&W 803S, are they the right speakers for me?
I may be swimming against the tide here but....I think the problem is the electronics. I have used 803S's with a number of things now including a number of choices from mcIntosh and really didn't care for the Mac, B&W combo much at all. Naim, ... 
McIntosh 402/B&W 803D Question
Try ARC and get ready to have your expectations blown away.Even their little 55 watt tube integrated on the 803's is a knockout. Tons of bass, presence and crunch. That said, the new 200 watt solid state integrated from them will totally lift thos... 
Amp match for B&W 685s
Naim works superbly with those. So does the new Rotel at 60 watts. You really need to address the whole system though and not just an amplifier. Cables are HUGE in getting a system to sing and the wrong ones can simply make a system wrong no matte... 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
It's simple. ARC. The new integrated amp at 200 watts into 8 ohms and almost 400 into 4 ohms will simply knock you out.ARC and Magnepan is one of the most satisfying combinationsin hifi today, yesterday and most likely tomorrow! 
Looking for a new SS integrated amp for B&W 805S
The Naim integrateds are simply fantastic with the 805s.The best is obviously the Supernait which has the advantage of built in Dac which is quite good but the NaitXS is also great with those at a much lower price andthe ability to be upgrade with... 
New Magnepan 1.7 R
Never heard a Magnepan sound terrible. Maybe not optimum but never outright terrible. Also, the horror stories of placement and huge amplifiers needed for them are GREATLY exagerated in my opinion. They just need GOOD amplifiers.As far as the new ...