
Responses from readster

Audio Analogue Paganini 192/24 CD player,comments?
I own this unit, it is in my secondary bedroom system. 
VPI - HR-X or a SME 20/2A
all this superiority talk cracks me up sometimes, are you talking about superior materials ? superior design ? superior craftsmanship, or superior looks ? what, because its not superior sound, and thats what is important in my book, have you notic... 
VPI - HR-X or a SME 20/2A
The HR-X is like a Mercedes, and the SME is like a Toyota Camry, is the best way i can think to put it. 
Dynavector 10 X 5 Or Other MC In Same Price Range?
If the Dyna. offers no bass in your system, you need to look elsewhere in your audio chain to find the problem, because the 10x5 is in know way lacking bass in my system, in fact i find that if it is lacking anything it might be a smidge in the up... 
New Digital Switching Amplifiers
does anyone happen to know, if the outlaw model 200, mono block is a digital switching amp, like what is being discussed here ? 
Just bought a nitty gritty, hear no difference.
well if vacuuming 3 times makes your record sound better to you, then i say more power to you, it would just be a waste of time for me, based on my experience. i'm sure i do things that other people would think are unnecessary as well. 
Doug Henning disappearing act
i too have experienced this, now i don't consider anything sold, until i receive my "You've Got Cash !!!" message from paypal. 
whats your idea of loud music.
I've been listening to 90-100+ db music for 25 years, and my hearing is perfect, you can't just assume someone who listens to loud music, is going to lose their hearing, you kinda sound like my mom. 
Just bought a nitty gritty, hear no difference.
you don't have to vacuum your records multiple times, just wet them down really really good, scrub, and give them about 5 or 6 revolutions on the RD, your record will be as clean as it's gonna get. 
7 ch Preamp question
thanks bignerd, that is what i was looking for, thanks again !! 
7 ch Preamp question
what are the 6.1 or 7.1 movies available, does anyone know ? 
Just bought a nitty gritty, hear no difference.
What is the difference between the record doctor II and the record doctor III ? 
7 ch Preamp question
nope, i've been right here the whole time, my question was about software basically, i understand that with 7 speakers the sound can be converted from 5.1 to 6.1 or 7.1 or 8.1, etc. for that matter, my question was only regarding how much true 7.1... 
Talk Thunder 3.1b CDP?
it's ok, but way way overpriced. 
Dynavector 17D2MKII vs. XX-2
I have a super scoutmaster w/ jmw-9 tonearm, and the 17D works very well with this set up i know, but i was just wondering if anyone had compared the two, ideally with the jmw-9, but if not, just any comparison. thanks for your post robm321, it do...