
Responses from rd

Preamps - Active, passive...???
All I will say is I have the Placette Audio Remote Volume control and it is THE most transparent sound I have heard in my system in 20 years. I believe as long as your system is refined and you use short interconnects fron preamp to amp, Placette ... 
What's up with the Rega Planet 2000?
Don't know anyone else's reason, but mine is 4 sale due to purchasing a Meridian 508.24. Something has to go. I feel it's a great player. Dynamic with a great bass sound. Top loading also makes it fun to play with. 
Help: How to verify Red Dawn Rev II?
If this is an interconnect, Nordost does not make a Red Dawn Rev II. If it is a speaker cable, it should say so on the cable. Email Nordost.com and they can help you out. 
Bass traps/room treatments
I have the corner traps and they are excellent. They are effective down to about 55 hz. Call Michael at Echobusters, fax him a floor plan and he will recommend an inexpensive alternative to ASC. 
Bryston Amp v.s others?
I have the Bryston 4BST. I've heard the others. No question in my mind. Performance, quality, warranty, price and customer support. Bryston blows away the competition. 
Echo Buster or ASC for room treatment?
I use both. The ASC products give you the ability to adjust brightness. The Echobusters do not, but are still a fine product. 
Rega Planet 2000
I heard at a dealer for about 20 minutes. Sounded pretty good, but still like the Meridian products fuller sound. 
Cable Question ??
All arrows point towards the equipment they're going to. CD point towards DAC. DAC points towards Preamp. Preamp points towards amp. And so on. 
Acoustic Treatment
Call Michael at Echobusters. This is what I have. Reasonable. Looks good. Can mount on stands. Excellent products. Can do room for around $1000.00. You can fax him a scetch and he will design for you. www.echobusters.com. Tell him Rick Davis from ... 
Bryston 3B ST with an AV Receiver?
I did this exact thing. Bryston 3BST with a Marantz SR880. It sounded great. You'll notice a big improvement to your 5.1 surround, untill you upgrade further.