

Responses from raysmtb1

Was I Expecting Too Much
@clearthinker hey man ——you. I was being honest when I shared that with you guys. Who are you to judge me man? very uncool.. what good does it do to chastise somebody after they’ve been completely honest? Honesty should be rewarded. I think you sh... 
Was I Expecting Too Much
Everybody knows what the problem is. It is the Internet. I ran into this at a local dealer. Looking for some Macintosh products. The first thing he said to me is.” are you here to shop or are you gonna buy one on the Internet used?” I kind of felt... 
Feel like I'm outta my mind....
@the_general i’d be happy to talk to you about a set of speakers. I am a member and an advertiser on this website. I have a business call Blueprint Acoustic. Together we can design you something that you want and if you don’t like it, I’ll take it... 
Axpona 2023
What the originator of this thread just said above is what I am trying to bring to the market place. That’s why I started Blueprint Acoustic. If you’re not good at building cabinets or assembly, we’ve tried to simplify it. Then if you don’t like i... 
Bi-Amping Options B&W 801 Series 2
If you’re looking for more bass, a bigger amplifier is not going to do it. Do you need to add more base with the tone control. I bet you’re fine if you look at the meters, you’re probably only using about 10 watts during a typical listening session  
Magnepan Upgrades, Silver and New Crossovers!
That is the best story I think I’ve ever heard on audio gone! Funny, I love it  
lumin direct to "main in" section on Yamahas/Luxmans/Accuphase?
You’ll be fine, I do it all the time. It’s the man’s way to go. The first time you listen, it’s like lighten your hair on fire.  
Wattgate Connector Measurements
I see that the plug didn’t work out for you, but the thesis you wrote was beautiful! Nice work, A+, the plug not so much I guess that gets an F  
Zoomer needs help navigating 50's-80's Hi-Fi equipment
I think you should hook it up and I mean hook it all up the equalizer and everything and run it in the 80s style like your grandfather would’ve. Then you and him can listen to music whenever you want.  
have a pair of Tekton Perfect Set 15s but need a lighter speaker
Put some casters on the bottom of them so you can roll them around  
Vibration isolation or absorption?
For those of you wandering what the springs do, they suspend this speaker above the floor. He has the vibrations travel down through the springs in the springs convert vibrations into heat. The difference that they bring to a speaker is mainly in ... 
Vibration isolation or absorption?
It’s amazing how that if a bunch of people believe that it’s not true then I guess it’s not true??? !! When I first came on this forum, I got into it with millercarbon about this exact same thing. Except I couldn’t explain it as good as the fellow... 
Internet radio
I’ve often wondered about the quality of the stream. I swear it sounds better on a Sunday morning when there’s not a lot of people all the streaming movies and businesses are closed. I think when Trump was in office, the new Internet standards got... 
Vibration isolation or absorption?
Hello everyone,   Hello everyone,   My name is Ray Petro. i’ve been a member here now for about four years. I decided three years ago that I wanted to start a little speaker business. It’s called Blueprint Acoustic. I hope you’ll come by and s... 
What to do with my legacy CD collection?
Donate your collection to charity