
Responses from rauliruegas

Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Dear friends: I want to return a little about our analog imperfect world. It is imperfect because the " medium " is an imperfect one but the imperfections growing-up to fast on each link in the whole analog chain starting/begining with the recordi... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Dear Dertonarm: I'm thinking in an automatic solution ( like the Nakamichi one, I don't mean the same. ) but I can see that will be not only complex/expensive but with some trade-offs on the whole TT performance so the manual/mechanic one could/ca... 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Dear Gregadd: Yes the Aerial is very good option. Its price was a little to much for me but its quality performance is really good.MK the designer/owner of Aerial was/is the one that made the design of my ADS main speakers.Regards and enjoy the mu... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Dear friends: We are in a so imperfect home analog sound reproduction world with so low know-how that instead to use our main each day time to hear and enjoy music we are " loosing " our precious life time trying to correct that imperfect world th... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
The build material subject could grow-up in complexity if we add that we must take in count that maybe we need different build materials for different TT parts and that each one of those build materials have to have a constant " behavior " under a... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Yes, I know: the Dragon and TX1000. A friend of mine in San Diego and other one here own these units.Raul. 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Other subject that I would like that the commercial TT designers/builders could address and solve is to have a record " perfect center " mechanism.This out-off center record hole is a " cancer " in the analog quality performance ( due to an extrem... 
Tonearm effective mass
Doug: Yes you are right: my answer was to much plain. But what I was trying to say was that to really make a difference in the effective mass and due that the headshell is at the " farest " position from the tonearm pivot then here at the headshel... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Dear friends: IMHO the subject on speed accuracy/stability in TTs are almost addressed and solve by almost all the TT designers and manufacturers. We can take examples like Technics, Denon, Rockport, Walker, Kenwood, Basis, Pionner, SME, Monaco, S... 
Tonearm effective mass
Dear Quidity: I'm just saying that the thread question was a plain one ( almost a yes/no. ) where you can choose to answer in the same plain way ( like me ) or in more wide way like Doug, that's all, please read the question again.I know perfectly... 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Dear Gregadd: From the planar speakers the Maggies are one that I like it, I had the opportunity to heard he 3.6 in my system ( years ago ) due that the dealer here was a close friend of mine and in a friend's system the 20.1, very good ones.Yes, ... 
Tonearm effective mass
Dear Doug: The question speaks to add weight to the counterweight, IMHO if you add weight at any position of the counterweight the effective mass goes up against the original one ( obviously with out change in the original counterweight position. ... 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Dear Gmorris: As you point out a different sub's integration with different trade-offs ( advantages/dis-advantages ).I prefer to lower the IMD on the main speakers in favor of an improve in the quality performance on the main speakers and to handl... 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Dear Gregadd: No fight, I respect that great system owner: it is only that maybe there is a tiny " room " to improve. Always is a temptation try to help, no critic at all.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
The sub's alternative IMHO is a tremendous " tool " to improve almost any home audio system quality performance that use tube amplifiers.Due to tube technology characteristics and the fact that in a sub's system the amplifier does not " see " bass...