Responses from rauliruegas
Dynavector XV1-S and step-up Dear Hatari: IMHO you own a very good analog rig with that Raven/Phantom/XV-1s combination along your Sarastro IIs.IMHO too, before to think in an external step-up that always makes a cartridge signal degradation and that ( with all respect ) does... | |
Unipivot and suspended TT? Dear Mingles: I think that the best answer is from your own when you mount it in your Oracle TT. I don't see much trouble about, the Hadcock is very good design/build unit.regards and enjoy the music,}Raul. | |
High Mass Tonearms and Cartridge Matching Dear Bob: +++++ " Right now it appears that I am restricted to low compliance cartridges until I can find a way to reduce the tonearm mass in order to expand cartridge choices.... " +++++your tonearm is a removable headshell design so you can matc... | |
Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1 I already have it, thank you.Regards and enjoy the music,Raul. | |
Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1 Dear friends: Any one of you know which is the Fm login site?Thank you.Regards and enjoy the music,Raul. | |
Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1 Dear Fm login: Sorry for my ignorance: which is your site address?, thank you.Regards and enjoy the music,Raul. | |
Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1 Dear Fm login: +++++ " I do not look for best quality performance of any cartridge I know what I get, I know what efforts requires to get what might be gotten from sound, I know what kind reimbursement I get for my efforts " +++++I know too bu... | |
Establishing a common analog listening bias Dear friends: I just have a very good experience that confirm the necessity to have this " common ground " by ourself.Making a small change in our tonearm design I test the " old " prototype against the " new " with that small change on it. As alw... | |
Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1 Dear Fm login: +++++ " whole point the default sound (or better to say the opportunity for the default sound ) is built into the design that illuminate the need to do those endless experiments trying to change the TT sound. Micro-Seiki .... " ... | |
Sota Star Sapphire III with Revel Gems? Dear Russ: As important are the speakers in any audio system as important is the source. IMHO we don't choose an analog source b ecause the speaker we own but because the quality of the source it self.In the analog case the whole source are: TT/to... | |
Should I buy a VDH Colibri or Black Beauty? Dear Jimjoyce: The manufacturer spec on my LOMC Van den Hul cartridges states: 500 Ohms and Iwas/am satisfied at: 100 Ohms.Regards and enjoy the music,Raul. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Lawrence: Thank you to share all that information.Now, how about some words on its performance. regards and enjoy the music,Raul. | |
time to change tt's Dear Richard: +++++ " I would like to upgrade the source either by upgrading my current tt or purchasing another one " +++++your realsource is the tonearm/cartridge you own. IMHO and due that your TT is a decent one if you want a serious and rea q... | |
Should I buy a VDH Colibri or Black Beauty? Dear Fmpnd: I agree with you on the sibilance " trouble " that I'm nt really sure if it is a real " trouble " due to the extremely Colibri very high resolution on the high frequency range.Certainly the Colibri is not a " user friendly " cartridge ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Lharasim: Photoelectric TRIO?, could you share nore information about?: I never hear/read nothing on this cartridge.Regards and enjoy the music,Raul. |