
Responses from rauliruegas

Interface: Cartridge-Preamp or Cart-Tonearm?
Dear Inna: +++++ " First I would match the cartridge sound to the sound of the speakers - they should be similar, " +++++I respect your statement, is the first time I read something like that and I would like that you could explain why you think t... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Timeltel: I have in very high steem the TK10MLMK2 a top performer along other top AT designs. I have almost no compliants with that Signet design.I can't understand what you try to say about my statement where I posted that the 155LC has lowe... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Dear Dover: Just curios. I understand that Final marketed in Japan a phono cartridge ( I think with an integrated headshell and I think an expensive one. ) that was very well regarded as something truly special.Do you own this cartridge? was Kitam... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Timeltel: I runned with a VTF as low 1gr but not 0.9 like you states, 1.25 works well. No I did not runned 40+ hours maybe near 30 hours but for what I heard I assume that things could not change for the better too much to be at the 20SS leve... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Acman3: Well maybe not ugly but bulky. I wonder why is this in a newest cartridge model from the same builder/designers.Now, on the other side is " natural " that exist differences between the 20SS and the TK7s if for any other thing because ... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Dear Dover: Yes, high mass help to speed stability especialy on BD designs and you are totally right: power supply makes a difference and the MS ones are not great ones, I have to modified my unit and improved but my take is the same with the MS T... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Dear Thuchan: Agree, I'm not an expert on MS I'm only a music lover and an always learning and in " movement " audiophile.Are you a MS expert?, yes? : well, what makes do you " convert " in a MS expert against a " rockie " like me? what do you mea... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Nandric: +++++ " but 'ínnocence' is something else. Ie I bought those AKGcarts because of you. " +++++my posts about were before I found out AKG problems and even after my posts some other people posted about those problems and that's why I d... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Dear Lewm: +++++ " Does anyone know what is so special about the big M-S turntables, apart from their obvious build quality, which can after all be matched by several of today's high end belt drive turntables? " +++++IMHO there is nothing especial... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Nandric: I own several AKG P8/P25 ( all models. ) and only a few of them performs with out problem.Yes, that cartridge issue comes from the suspension even I send one of this ( with the suspension problem. ) to VdH and he can't fix it.It is p... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Signet " freaks ": Well, the TK7E/SU finally arrived.First thing was that the cartridge(s) are " ugly " and with lower cartridge body build quality than the 20SS.As always loaded to 100K ( the manual states: " also operates with 100K .." .) a... 
Interface: Cartridge-Preamp or Cart-Tonearm?
Dear Cdk84: IMHO the source is the more important audio link: cartridge/tonearm and from here the Phonolinepreamp.Both are to close on importance because what you are looking for is that the very sensitive source signal when must pass through the ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Headsnappin: Yes, almost all of us " pass " through that " learning audio stage " and that's why in those " times " we thinked that several music performance " things " through our home systems sounds better ( more transparent, precise and th... 
Gyrodec Best Tonearm
Dear Melanco: Good that you improve what you have even that I don't know what dislike you on it.As Nandric point out: don't you think that an up-grade on the source is mandatory? as you know music comes from the source and IMHO ( everything the sa... 
Top 3 high compliant mm/mi cartridges
Dear Fleib: +++++ " A cart with a cu around 50 (Sonus) might sound sluggish in a med weight arm. Some with a cu around 20, sound sluggish in a heavier arm. " +++++My Sonus Dimension 5 sounds nothing less than spectacular on the Grace G.945 that's ...