Responses from rauliruegas
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? and for the F14 asked price I can have two F9s Axel retipped!!!!R. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Timeltel: That Grace is " unknow " because never riched America but in its times was its top of the line.A little history here from the information I have:1978 was launched the F8s, lattest the F8-V. 1979 came the MC SF-100 and integrated hea... | |
Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system Dear Dougdeacon: +++++ " The original SG I heard (at RMAF a few years ago) had oodles of dynamics, a full frequency range, speed, weight, heft, etc. Everything it did it did well and nothing was distorted. However, it lost or severely attenuated t... | |
Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system Dear Spriritofmusic: Other than the seller I know no one with experiences on the Astatic MF-2500 and even I don't know if the seller already heard it and compare against the MF-200/300 that some of us support.The Dgarretson link: http://www.ebay.c... | |
Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system Dear Spiritofmusic: You are talking of neutrality as a main target to achieve on your audio system. IMHO neutrality is an " elusive " factor/characteristic in audio items and neutrality to different persons has different meaning. From one of your ... | |
Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system Dear Spiritofmusic: I respect every single advise you already received but I can see that you realy cares about music because you are asking for neutrality and this characteristic is a main target to achieve on music reproduction along natural ton... | |
Empire EDR9 users: Need advice Dear Pani: Well, through the years Empire marketed several cartridges in different cartridge series on each one of those series exist very good performers, one of them is the 4000D3 that's an older model than the EDR.9 but is really good.You can r... | |
Empire EDR9 users: Need advice Dear Pani: In its time the EDR.9 was Empires's top of the line, I think retailed around 250.00I tested several months ago and I can't remember for sure how I loaded on capacitance that's an important factor to attain the best on any cartridge. Abo... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Fleib: Today Axel received my Genesis 1000 and we will see if he can make the up date. I mean " if he can " because you told me that seems that the cartridge " maybe " can't be opened.Anyway, Axel will tell us about.Regards and enjoy the musi... | |
Optimum MM cartridge loading Dear Tube540: EAR 324 has all you need/ask for MM/MI cartridges and is affordableRegards and enjoy the music,R. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear friends:That Altair cartridge bring me again something that in some ways I'm worried about, I read that the playback time of the stylus is around 15,000 hours along this in my Allaerts the designer support that the stylus can run for 10,000 h... | |
EAR 324 vs Einstein The Turntable Choice Dear Shsohis: I never had and heard both phono stages in the same system at the same time but I rememebre both quality performances.The EAR is a good PS for its price and we can't ask more for it, what mean I with that?, well the EAR is not so acc... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Lewm: Yes, who cares about on a 60K audio item: he don't bought because of accuracy.Was J.Atkinson whom made the measurements.Again, yes there is noe xcuse for that $ 5.00 rubber-mat.About the audio system owners that bought$$$$ mainly becaus... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Downunder: +++++ " The Vitus, ARC, Aesthetix, Ypsilon, Boulder and Allnic do not offer capacitance loading. " +++++with some of this phono stages my take is this:some people buy expensive very expensive audio items as a status symbol more tha... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Dover: I think that maybe you can help me: as you know I bought a Dynavector Karat Nova 17D/13D? but now that I see it I can say for sure that the cantilever in my sample has not not only the 1.3mm length but neither 1.7mmm but a larger canti... |