Responses from rauliruegas
When a Reviewer "likes" something Not all what he writed there is totally true or at least not exactly what he wants we believe, we have to remember that for several ( a lot ) years ( between other same facts. ) HP reference system loudspeakers were the top high price ( 150K ) ISR... | |
How much would an additional motor help Dear Blueranger: Advantages?, through my AS experiences the only advantage is that for our friends is a better " looking " item.I tested my TTs with additional motor comparing it the TT with one motor and I can't detected any kind of TT improvemen... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Nandric: I forgot, ++++ " my second best MM'. End? " ++++I was a little in a hurry when I posted but there are no secrets there.The cartridge is the JVC-X1MK1 that's behing the MK2 version I had the lucky to found out.Here happened to me what... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Nandric: I don't like what I heard trhough my 550 sample and posted in that time.Fleib told us that needs more time but I already gave it with no great success. Maybe I have to try harder. I was a bet " confused " as you more than all because... | |
When a Reviewer "likes" something Dear Syntax: He was and is part of the AHEE and he really was " punished " for his owns rules that belonged to that AHEE " cancer ".Certainly that is sad that the " company/enterprise " you started and where you worked so hard is the one that gave... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Nandric: ++++++ " Just one word: UNBELIEVABLE! Takeda san and less well known Hiroaki Hibino(Klipsch and Zenn MCZ) thought that other carts lacked dynamics and made their own as a reaction. According to methey have never heard the AT 180 ML/O... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear friends: Well, I just tested my second best MM(MI cartridge. R. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear nandric: All ones came from AT but the X-1 design is a propietary JVC builded by AT.Signet is not Signet but an AT " subsidary ". The main " head " was and is AT.Good that you are enjoying the 220. Are you saying that the 550 is a " lesser " ... | |
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic Dear Dctom: ++++ " Isolation is very important with TTs. " +++agree, critical subject. We need " absolute " isolation/damp on TT/tonearm/cartridge combination. Seems to me that you are really near that " absolute " isolation/damping.In other threa... | |
Hammacher Schlemmer has Kronos $28,000 Dear Hiendmuse: A lovely and very good looking TT that against what are on the market seems to me like this Canadian design could be a " bargain " at those 28K dollars.The idea is not a new one, was implemented in Japan before for 47Labs and Sansu... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Acman3: +++++ " Yamaha cassette deck in a closet somewhere. Then we could get some distortions going! " ++++maybe some of you could understannd it that I tryed to diminish Harold in some ways because his cassete reference but that was not my ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Acman3: ++++ " While the chipset in the Dac is important, the analog output, and EVERYTHING else is equally important. " +++++absolutely right: ANALOG OUTPUT. Many times players with the same chipset sounds way different and the main differen... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Lewm: I'm not an expert on digital technology my ignorance level is really high. What I can say is what I'm experienced with both Denon players I own, one 24/192 and the other with 32/192 DACs: a difference for the better.In the other side th... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear nandric: ++++ " However the most of us who have decided for analog may be assumed to have already compared with digital. You point is then that we need to try again I assume?" ++++I'm there too. All audio technology improves over the time som... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Nandric: Thank's. Now:++++ " OMHO but in the wrong places or statements. If you would use OMHO by your 'convinctions' nobody would have any problem with your statements. " +++++certainly I need your help to understand exactly your always welc... |