
Responses from rauliruegas

what is the problem with too much tracking force?
Dear @kevp1958: You are using an after market stylus replacement that not necessary means is similar to the original that runs at 1.5grs. You need to ask the stylus after market source to know which is its VTF range.Normally after market replaceme... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Dear @almarg @oregonpapa @nonoise and friends: Even with fuses internal circuit problems can occur and the item could be not protected against it.My phonolinepream and amp monobloks have internally other fuses at power supply that I don’t touched.... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Dear @oregonpapa : As many of us years ago I learned and understand that the best capacitor or resistor is: no capacitor/no resistor at all, only the best type of these items where is need it.Two years ago and after I installed separate power line... 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
Dear @lewm @pryso : Thank's to ask about this terrible and devastating earthwake that occurs after only 12 days of the other devastating earthwake of 8.2°.Fortunatelly all my family is ok but all the people in my country are really " devastated " ... 
Dr. Feickert Protractor
Dear @slaw /friends: The Stevenson alignment is " valid as said lewm but non-practical and really useless.This alignment only gives lower distortion levels in the last 6mm. of recorded LP side and against Löfgren A alignment that happens in the la... 
Dr. Feickert Protractor
Dear @jperry : About the MINTLP you posted:"""  A great tool if you only have or will have one tonearm. """I think it's a great tool even if you own 2-3 tonearms. There is nothing better than a TT/tonearm DEDICATED protractor that was made in spe... 
Dr. Feickert Protractor
Dear @slaw : There are several LP’s that comes with dificult grooves to track NOT ONLY at the very inner grooves ( last 5-6mm ) where we can listenig using Löfgren A or B vs Stevenson.Example: the Reference Recording Symphonic Dances comes with th... 
Info Wanted on Spectral Cartridges
Dear @ateal: Different Signature models were the latest.@parrotbee , in those times who participated in the Spectral cartridge design was J.Carr Lyra designer and is Scan-Tech who builded his cartridges and the Spectral an several other cartridges... 
Great Experience with Feickert Protractor
Dear @dangcaonguyen : ""  As my understanding, if two tables have the same spindle size one can use the same Mint tractor for the same tonearm. ""your statement is correct IF the tonearm is mounted with the same pivot to spindle distance in both ... 
Dr. Feickert Protractor
@lewm : Here an answer on what you ask. I took a 265 mm. tonearm effective length and compare LÖfgren B vs Stevenson.https://www.vinylengine.com/tonearm_alignment_calculator_pro.php?arm1=Arm+1&l1=el&a1lv=265&a...You can see that only v... 
Dr. Feickert Protractor
Dear @lewm : Linear trackers has its own " problems ". I owned LT designs and my experiences with told me that LT are not so good as pivot ones in the bass range. Now, you know that in analog almost all depends on trade-offs we chosed. Anyway, is ... 
Upgrading Turntable suggestions
Dear @polkalover: I think that you do not to change your TT to really improve the quality level performance on your system. I think the best " road " to achieve that is a change in cartridge and phono stage for better units.Regards and enjoy the M... 
Dr. Feickert Protractor
@chakster : I own several 7" records that I don't listen often but in the times that I heard it I listen it with the Löfgren B or A with out any single trouble.Stevenson made his alignment not for those 7" . When we learn and understand in deep th... 
Dr. Feickert Protractor
Dear @lewm : """  Any alignment geometry that gets you two null points on the playing surface of an LP is as valid as any other that does the same. """Valid? yes because is an alignment. Usefully is the real question. Stevenson is useless per sé ... 
VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D
Dear @geoffkait : Yes, it's geometry and affects the alignment set up.The VTA/SRA is changing continuously at each and over the LP side due to those  macro and micro waves in the LP but we can't do nothing about. So, we stay with the choosed align...