Responses from rauliruegas
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear @lewm : If it's in that way then there is no problem to handle any MM/MI item.R. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear @j2d2: Your Einstein unit comes with a selector for MM cartridge type or is designed for LOMC only?You ask in specific for MM cartridge recomendations and that could means that your unit can handle MM but I don't know for sure. Can you share ... | |
I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable. Dear @jaym759: This was posted by @nkonor:" Vinyl is a long journey................................................................As inna indicated, Vinyl is about Flavor. Take your time finding the combination...""yes a very long learning jour... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear friends: Tht JVC " editorialize " in the same way all what we listen through it. All the recorded information is there but.......?R. | |
I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable. @bpoletti : "" You are EXTREMELY BIASED toward SS... "", agree and I’m biased because from some years now is the only real/true alternative to achieve the targets I posted here. Period. " and have deep financial interests in the products you promo... | |
I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable. Dear @fsonicsmith : I know all what you posted but that's not exactly my point.We can't do nothing about the overall recording proccess.Where can we mantain any kind of distortions at minimum? only at room/system playback proccess and to mantain ... | |
I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable. Dear @fsonicsmith : "" music and not distortions" is divorced from reality. There is no getting away from distortion. """agree, we can't avoid several kind of room/system distortions. The target is: first learn to identify what is distortion fro... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Der friends: Now that I'm testing the ADC 26 I came back to the JVC 4MD-0 nd to the Acutex M320 and confirm what I posted in reference that the JVC has not the " drama " levels that we find out in live music and certainly in many cartridges as th... | |
I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable. Dear @inna : MF compares that " entry level " TT with the stock tonearms against its full Continnum extremely epensive TT and tonearm and everything. Only this analog rig has a price higher than many of our whole udio system ! ! !.R. | |
I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable. Dear @last_lemming @jaym759: Other gentleman mentioned Ayre phono stage and I can add SimsAudio but you mentioned Parasound JC3 ( all these 3 manufacturer designs are SS units and better than any tube unit no matter what. ). and posted:""" No a... | |
I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable. Dear @inna : That new Technics is so good that MF mounted on it nothing less that the Lyra Etna SL ! ! and he likes it. That tonearm is very good one but the Jelco is very good too and both very well damped nand with a " natural " options to mate ... | |
I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable. Dear @jaym759: The analog alternative is the more imperfect way to listen MUSIC and due to those inherent medium imperfections is way hard task to achieve good quality performance.The issue is not to have a some one that help in the overall analog... | |
Which wood Grado Dear @last_lemming : The @stevecham advise for the Ortofon 2mBlack is very very good choice for you.R. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear @j2d2: This was my answer to your question in 08-31: @j2d2: Very good the Maestro and you can look too the Ortofon 2M Black or the Reson Reca or the Audio Note IQ3 or 2.and you can add de MI high output from SS ( it build similar B&O toda... | |
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade" Dear @nkonor: """ You thought that I needed to rewire the tonearm with your recommended wire, that I needed to waste my money on multiple headshells. That I needed to do this and waste a lot of time critically listening to all these tweaks to gain... |