
Responses from rauliruegas

Thoughts on VTA......
Dear @orpheus10 : The only way to be sure the VTA/SRA is the best that permit that cartridge/tonearm couple is through playback tests doing VTA/changes to determine with which VTA/SRA change ( up or down. ) the quality level of what we are listeni... 
No right channel in new cartridge
Dear @tochsii: Other that what lewm posted: do you still have the cartridge you were using before this Sumiko?, if yes then mount it again and test if everything is fine .Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,R. 
Thoughts on VTA......
Dear @orpheus10 : I read that link the same year appeared in TNT but that article does not confirms that you are rigth.In the other side neither R.Gandy Rega designer said that. Rega designer said that cartridge alignment and VTA ( between other s... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Btw, some one said in the thread that the ones that likes digital are " stupid ", well then I'm " stupid " and so what?. That person is less stupid because dislike digital? . Maybe the other way around, ignorance/poor knowledge levels always exist.R. 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Dear friends: This thread as some others ones shows the wide/big diversity of opinions or audio references or way of thinking on each one of us something like a Babel’s Tower and is impossible to have a true agreegment between 5-6 gentlemans.We ar... 
Thoughts on VTA......
Dear @orpheus10 : "  VTA must not be that important, .."For Rega and for you it's not but for the MUSIC any one ( including you. ) is listening through a home audio system certainly is important and critical adjustement set up parameter.What you ... 
Thoughts on VTA......
Dear @cleeds : Did you already do it what I said in my post about?, just do it with that tiny level at the headshell and make a significant up and down VTA/SRA changes for you can see that " characteristic ". If you made tiny tiny VTA/SRA changes ... 
Thoughts on VTA......
Dear @viridian : First than all I'm like you: a music lover, difference is that things are that I not only want that my LPs be listenable but with the best quality performance levels my ignorance permits to achieve. Yes I´m an audiophile too and n... 
Thoughts on VTA......
Dear @uberwaltz @stringreen @viridian : The name of the game with cartridge/tonearm/LP is accuracy in the overall set up.First target is an accurate cartridge/tonearm geometry alignment choosed: accurated P2S distance, accuarted overhang and accur... 
Thoughts on VTA......
Dear @uberwaltz / friends: Different cartridge paremeters set up are for different main issues.Overhang and offset angle are for geometry alignment tonearm/cartridge set up and mainly to puts at minimum the pivoted tonearm/cartridge tracking error... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Dear @chadsort: Sorry my fault ( thank's @uberwaltz . ).I'm a music lover and like today digital and analog alternatives. Your digital hardware is a good one but nothing exceptional for today digital latest technology and even that " crushed " ana... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
@chadsort: Again, how many LP's do you own? Could you give an answer? Thank'sR. 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
Dear @dumbeat: There is no perfect speakers or audio systems, nothing is in audio.Maybe speakers is the more critical and delicated ling in audio system chain because it is not only from where the sound comes on but because its direct relationship... 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
Dear @dumbeat: "  And thats a good thing and a bad thing. "    "  Half my library does not translate well at this time. "I know and listened your Merlin speakers.First time I heard the Dynaudio Esotar twetters was many years ago ( today Esotar 2... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Dear @chadsort: How many LP's do you own? Thank's in advance.Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,R.