Responses from rauliruegas
Capacitors for HP filters in tube amps recommendations? Dear @oldhvymec : Wima comews not only in your electronics mentioned or in my Levinson monobloks but comes too in very expensive/cost no object high end electronics: https://dartzeel.com/en/ https://s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/dartzeel/wp-con... | |
Jupiter Caps in tube preamp application Dear @jimbones : Good that that is what you are looking for to achieve your targets and this is what it matters.R. | |
Jupiter Caps in tube preamp application Dear @jimbones : Ok, you are looking for a " tone control " and that's exactly what the boutique/high end caps does it but if in the future you want true MUSIC not colored one then give a chance to Wima MKP 10 or FKP 1 models and you will be heav... | |
Capacitors for HP filters in tube amps recommendations? Dear @bdp24 : I know that now maybe is to late but I will post anyway because I just made a huge caps discovery." If they’re good enough for Nelson..."""My discovery was exactly WIMA caps that not only for N.Pass but for electronics in all the ... | |
Jupiter Caps in tube preamp application Dear @jimbones : Which caps in your preamp you will change and which caps are the original ones ( I mean manufactured by ) ? what are you looking for changing the original caps. Something wrong with these ones.?Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DIS... | |
BEST HARMLESS/SIGNATURELESS SPEAKERS CAPACITORS. Said I: " terrible/horrendous " ? in reality is worst than that because it's a corrupted AHEE and we all belong to it.Maybe some of you can have a different opinion of that AHEE but for me it's : corrupted ahee.R. | |
BEST HARMLESS/SIGNATURELESS SPEAKERS CAPACITORS. Dear friends : Even that this tread was and is converted in a " monologue " and not a dialogue as any other thread I feel that anyway I have to share my WIMA experiences.First that female " body " that's not a rigth word for what I'm listening and... | |
BEST HARMLESS/SIGNATURELESS SPEAKERS CAPACITORS. Dear friends: There are other really important issues for the better with the Wima caps that latter on I will post.I just measured the Powertron resistors that I bougth with spec of 1% tolerance for 12.00 british pounds each one. Each speaker need... | |
BEST HARMLESS/SIGNATURELESS SPEAKERS CAPACITORS. Dear @mahlman : If it's true that my ADS speakers are old it's true that this is not the first time I made or make a re-capping in the crossovers.As a fact I already spended hundreds of dollars testing/changing the original caps with different bou... | |
BEST HARMLESS/SIGNATURELESS SPEAKERS CAPACITORS. Sorr my mistake: the caps speakers are matched not at 0.04 but at 0.4%.The other " finger " mistake is that must read: I can be wrong and not what I writed: " I can't be wrong " because any one can makes mistaKES OR HAS MISUNDERSTOODS, including ... | |
BEST HARMLESS/SIGNATURELESS SPEAKERS CAPACITORS. Dear friends : I already tested those fenomenal WIMA caps in the bass range crossovers.Now, my speakers has 100% hard wired WIMA caps and at each filter caps crossover are matched in between with a very low tolerance of .04% of capacitance.I don'... | |
Should I buy a VPI SCOUTMASTER. I OWN 25 RECORDS. Dear @fleschler : The LP analog bass range is way different to that same bass range with the digital alternative where the quality levels are higher through digital than LP. R. | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Dear @bimasta : You are rigth, I over reacted. Obviously I was not in good mood in that moment. @lewm sorry for that.Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,R. | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Dear @bimasta : I can be wrong but does not means I posted because an " idea/imagination " .R. | |
BEST HARMLESS/SIGNATURELESS SPEAKERS CAPACITORS. Dear friends : I already soldered the caps and not yet listened nothing because I have no time to do it but I swirtch on the whole system to check nothing gone " wrong " with my job and something really good happened.Things are that for whatever r... |