
Responses from rauliruegas

Replicant 100 stylus
Dear @mijostyn  :  Well sometimes some persons like to show their low knowledge levels. To each his own and futile/useless to follows. R.  
Replicant 100 stylus
Btw, after 1977 the cartridge stylus are made of synthetic diamond and the last and an exception is the Audio Technica MC 1000 that was the latest cartridge to use natural diamond in the early 80's.   Diamond is not only has hardness cartridge s... 
Replicant 100 stylus
Dear @mijostyn  :  some gentlemans really don't know what they are talking about as the one about " jewels " and why designers/manufacturers choice of top cartridges in cantilevers are diamond and boron and for stylus only DIAMOND: period.   I p... 
Who uses ADS Speakers
Dear @bstbomber : Thank’s @sbank . Yes, I’m a proud owner of a pair of L-2030 ADS Monitors. ADS made extraordinary loudspeakers and in the L-2030 was ADS directly whom build the speaker drivers that are just unique and as you said accurated not ... 
Experience with DS Audio Optical Cartridge Systems
I re-read DS information where they explain how it works and even gave some asdvise if we want to build our equalizer/energizer but in reality does not disclose " nothing " at all that could tell us about those 2.2 Faradays and the like.   My mi... 
Experience with DS Audio Optical Cartridge Systems
Other " issue " with both DS/SG cartridges is that we " married " with its  preamp/energizer/eq. where we can't listen to a magnetic cartridge. So we are married with the same kind of sound for our coming audio life.   Yes @tomic601  very intere... 
Experience with DS Audio Optical Cartridge Systems
Dear @theophile : It’s not easy to trust 100% on reviewers as KK or almost any other reviewer.   Example, next statements are a little part of what we can read in the SS SG cartridge and are false/un-true and the reviewer does not puts an " ale... 
Changing Turntable to Balanced Output
"" The output of a cartridge is in principle balanced UNTIL one side (usually the negative) is connected to ground. This may happen at the cartridge (where the (-) side of one channel is connected to a magnetic screen around the cartridge internal... 
Turntables that are still made in Japan?
Dear @aberyclark  : You ddon't have to worry where an audo item is manufactured at all, what you have to worry is whom is the manufactured/design of those audio items because , example, Technics can't permit that its audio items could be manufactu... 
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
Dear @williewonka  : Till you test the AN silver cable you will know for sure what fogman is talking about. Your Cardas is not at the same quality level performance than the AN. You only have to test to confirm my statements.   R.  
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
Dear @drbond  : As an alternative to SME Kuzma is very good but the SME TTs are little better.   Why not mix both?, SME TT and the Kuzma tonearm.   R.  
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
Dear @sokogear  : ​​​@drbond  is rigth in his post: "" but the sonic difference is very significant even on flat, non-warped records: *everything* is much clearer, cleaner, and more detailed. ""   A good clamp as Basis Audio one makes that reso... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Dear @dwhistance  :  The G7 is an integrated headshell cartridge that weigths 19gr. and 12 cu compliance. With this information and your tonearm(s) effective mass you can know which of your tonearms mates better with that cartridge using this reso... 
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
Dear @drbond  :  too noisy? with all respect to your audiophile friends that " noisy " they heard through the FMA just comes from one or more links in their audio systems and that noise through FMA can't be " hidden " .   The FMA audio items are... 
Analog upgrade
@tomic601  : 12? why so limtited? and to end with Herron?   R.