Responses from rankaudio
Klipsch Jubilee & Klipschorn Experience simao, sorry about Vivaldi. I know it can be hard with audience noise. It was as if a live orchestra was present. | |
Klipsch Jubilee & Klipschorn Experience johnk, Thanks for sharing. I totally agree with you. I think there's a great deal of misconceptions many have about horn loaded speakers. Also, your comments about the size of the room not having to be big are spot on. I asked Roy the engineer... | |
KR ST70 build and First Watt F8 listening experiences Yea, getdynaco.com | |
Tubes or Solid State? That thing about tubes being warmer is more of a myth with todays tube amps because companies try to win end-users over with their analytical, open sound. Then it can be ear fatiguing for some after a while. If anything, more of the solid state ge... | |
The LRS+ Speakers Hi audionoobie, Here's a link with a bit more details. I'm glad you are enjoying yours. That's all that matters. Happy listening. | |
The LRS+ Speakers I used to have the .7's but ended up selling them after about 2 years because they didn't image that well with jazz. Huge and incredible soundstage though. | |
Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD? I know this is an old post. Recently my 30 year old Magnavox CDB-650 finally took a dive. I was in search specifically for another one but had no luck until just a few days ago, but between that time I got myself and SCPH-1001 PS1 and wow! This is... | |
Why does pulling out main speakers from wall improve sound? In my opinion, listeners should just listen and make up their own minds. I think the problem in audio and other subjects is that people have too many premeditated ideas based on things they just read rather than just listening. Who cares if it goe... | |
First Watt SIT3 vs Dynakit ST35 Hi pryso thanks for the feedback, sounds like you’ve been around this long compared to me, only 7 years. There’s a couple of my demos on YouTube under “ drD E” | |
First Watt SIT3 vs Dynakit ST35 moofoo, thanks for sharing. Always happy to hear about ones that are less known.Too many nuts on the Hollywood red carpet. bdp24, I rather like how you put that. I would describe the 35 as uncolored. | |
First Watt SIT3 vs Dynakit ST35 pinwa 116 posts 06-15-2022 at 12:53am I've never heard either amp but I have to question your use of the Silver 8 and F15 as reference speakers. I've built the Silver 8 in an oversized Caintuck style baffle and paired it with a sub and i... | |
First Watt SIT3 vs Dynakit ST35 When I ordered the second ST35 I told Kenny I wanted it made exactly like the one I have, down to every cap, resister, whatever. He asked me for a couple of numbers to make sure it was the same, so Kenny must also be doing something I’m really lik... | |
First Watt SIT3 vs Dynakit ST35 dpd24, I’d sure be curious what guitarists have to say about the sound signature of the EL84. It’s quite unlike anything else I’ve heard so far, I can’t quite grasp it yet. Did Roger express any kind of opinion on the sound signature of the EL84. ... | |
First Watt SIT3 vs Dynakit ST35 Jason, Is the EL84 generally used for guitar amps of less power? If so, does it still work well in your opinion? | |
First Watt SIT3 vs Dynakit ST35 Jason, it's interesting you mentioned the EL84 in reference to guitar amps. I hear they're very popular in fact a guitarist buddy of mine mentioned that too. Thanks for sharing. |