
Responses from ranchhand1

Odor from Philips CD80
Will do. Thanks Randy... 
Thiel Owners
I'd like to add my vintage Thiel CS 2's to this conversation. :) Bought these babies in 1986. They still bring the luscious, warm, clean sound...Very easy to listen to for hours at a time. Run them with mid-fi components: Hafler 9180, Philips CD 8... 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Hafler 9180 amp. A big step up from my Bryston 2B. 
How many pair of speakers do you own?
I have two pair. Dan D'Agostino designed satellite/sub system and Thiel CS2. Well behind many of you owning multiple sets. I am jealous!:) Budget and spouse allowing (there's the rub), I would buy more. Hooked on audio since 1975. 
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced
My Hafler 9180 has served me well for over 20 years. My Dan D'Agostino designed Point Three satellite/sub system and Thiel CS2's showcase it's qualities.  
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Hafler 9180. Had it since 1993. Seems to accurately reproduce music. Easy to listen to for hours, any program material. 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
Point 3 satellite/sub. Produced in the mid 1970's by Dan D'Agostino. Had mine since 1978. Listening to them now. I am not educated in all the parameters of sound reproduction characteristics of home audio speakers, but I can say for the era when t...