
Responses from ramy

What are the best speakers for Mahler?
I have a very large living room( an understanding and loving wife) with high ceilings and ability to listen from open second and third level "balconies".My front speakers are german physics Loreleys and side and center speakers by german physics.M... 
Leaving HT for 2 channel-Good or Not?
I am an avid listener to classical and jazz.Ihave been an addict to audio for close to fifty years.I have two extensive and axpensive 5 channel HT systems.HT is by far superior to two channel for music.However it is very expensive and if you compr... 
What qualities do you look for in a good amp?
I agree with rockvideo.Let me add some specifics.Some of the amps mentioned by Ig40 did not work for me.You need an amp with big dynamic range no feed back and reputed to be reliable.I have been happiest with Gryphon and YBA amps. 
Are internet sales taking business or not?
We are seeing the evolution of the retail business from store front to the internet across the entire market place.Market forces will resolve these with time.For example a manufacturer could stop distributing its goods through retailers who mark u... 
Amazing XRCD I just purchased....
their classical orchestral cd are the BEST. 
best amp for BASS
I must apologize to those of you who responded to my question and to Bryston.When the dealer installed my meridian(the meridians installation are beyond me and most older hobbiest) and the bryston he set the amplifier with the wrong gain,on ballan... 
Your 5 Stupendous SACD vs Redbook
equipment makes a huge difference plying Mahler 3rd with Boulez sacd which is red book compatible using the dennon 2700 for sacd playback,sounded poor.However playing the same cd on Meridian 800in the cd mode sounded great by far superior to tha s... 
best amp for BASS
Thanks for the inputs.I do use balanced connectors.The bass is very clean not boomey but not powerful.My guess is that having a large room with very few walls(the size was describing floor not the enclosing walls) will require lots of current with... 
Any one haerd the Gryphon products?
I have been using the Signature Antileon stereo for the past 18 monthes.The amp is driving JM Utopia ,fantastic combination.I bought it new built like a tank and beautiful.Down side,generates lots of heat even at the 50 watts bias,and the weight a... 
Meridian 861 users--how do you do it?
I use the 861v3 with the 598 dvd-A and sony XA 777ES for sacd.,and analogue 5.1 system of JM Utopias and Rel.Great system and it does have progressive scan but you need the right card. Highly recommended processor if you are an audio fanatic. 
Classical Music as Relics for easy listening
Try the german mail order house JPC you will find it on the net use Google.Reliable outfit I have ordered thousands of $ worth of cds,sacd,dvd -A and dvd music video.They take credit cards.They have a huge classical selections way beyond what we c... 
Classe "omega" vs Pass Labs X600
Try the big Gryphon Signature Amplifiers.They are fantastic. 
can i have a killer 2 channel AND HT setup at once
Once you listen to a real high end HT you will mostly listen through a 6;1 system.I would strongly recommend a Meridian 861 V3 processor,a little expensive but worth it.Ramy 
Home Theatre Processor reccomendation
You should seriously consider the Meridian processors.The new 861 V3 is superb but very expensive, but you can find used 561 or 565? for a resonable price.Terrific sounding units. 
Is 2 channel dead?
I agree with Aroc,for the money two channels are a better buy.However the sound of a true high end system is superior to two channels.I primarily listen to classical and some jazz.Red book cds processed by a Meridian 861 V3 ,into multichannel does...